

Import deployment configuration.




Imports deployment configuration from archive with provided archive name.


--environment-crn <value>
--deployment-request-crn <value>
[--archive-name <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--environment-crn (string)

The CRN of an environment to execute the command.

--deployment-request-crn (string)

The CRN of the deployment request.

--archive-name (string)

Search term to filter exported archives by deployment name.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


rpcImportedDeploymentConfiguration -> (object)

Contains the configuration data imported from exported archive.

autoScalingEnabled -> (boolean)

The auto-scaling flag value retrieved from archive.

flowMetricsScalingEnabled -> (boolean)

The flow-metrics flag value retrieved from archive.

autoScaleMinNodes -> (integer)

The cluster’s minimum number of nodes value retrieved from archive.

autoScaleMaxNodes -> (integer)

The cluster’s maximum number of nodes value retrieved from archive.

staticNodeCount -> (integer)

The cluster’s static node count retrieved from archive.

clusterSize -> (object)

Cluster scaling parameters.

name -> (string)

The name of this Cluster Size.

coresPerNode -> (double)

The number of CPU Cores per node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

memoryLimit -> (double)

The memory limit (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

kpis -> (array)

The list of configured KPIs imported from archive.

item -> (object)

An instantiated KPI specifying a metric on which to alert

metricId -> (string)

The id of the associated metric

id -> (string)

The id of the KPI; used only when viewing and editing existing KPIs

metricComponentType -> (string)

The component type of the associated metric

alert -> (object)

An alert configuration that specifies a configured frequency with lower and/or upper thresholds

thresholdMoreThan -> (object)

A configured alert threshold to pair together a statistical unit and value

unitId -> (string)

The identifier of the alert threshold unit to associate with the given threshold value

value -> (double)

The threshold value whose triggering causes an alert

thresholdLessThan -> (object)

A configured alert threshold to pair together a statistical unit and value

unitId -> (string)

The identifier of the alert threshold unit to associate with the given threshold value

value -> (double)

The threshold value whose triggering causes an alert

frequencyTolerance -> (object)

An alert configuration frequency tolerance for measuring an amount of time and unit for alert triggering

unit -> (object)

The alert frequency unit to use in KPI tolerances and metrics

id -> (string)

The id of the frequency unit

label -> (string)

The user-friendly label of the frequency unit

abbreviation -> (string)

The abbreviation for frequency unit

value -> (double)

The amount of time, associated with the given unit, a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated

componentId -> (string)

The optional process group ID, processor ID, or connection ID. This is a composite ID containing a chain of process group IDs representing the component’s full ancestry

flowParameterGroups -> (array)

The flow parameter groups with values imported from archive.

item -> (object)

A flow parameter group

name -> (string)

The name of the parameter group

parameters -> (array)

The parameters in the group

item -> (object)

A flow parameter

name -> (string)

The name of the parameter

description -> (string)

The description of the param

value -> (string)

The value of the parameter

sensitive -> (boolean)

Whether or not the parameter value is sensitive

type -> (string)

The type of parameter. Possibly TEXT, FILE, FILES

assetReferences -> (array)

The list of referenced assets.

( … recursive … )

valueSet -> (boolean)

Indicates if the value of this parameter is set (i.e. not null)

cfmNifiVersion -> (string)

The CFM NiFi version retrieved from archive.

inboundHostName -> (string)

The FQDN of inbound hostname constructed with prefix imported from archive.

listenComponents -> (array)

The concatenated list of Nifi listen components imported from archive and flow.

item -> (object)

Provides subset of metadata of a Listen* component

protocol -> (string)

Inbound protocol

listenComponentType -> (string)

Listen component type

port -> (string)

Inbound port

nodeStorageProfile -> (string)

The node storage profile imported from archive.

projectCrn -> (string)

The project CRN retrieved from backup.

customNarConfigurationCrn -> (string)

The CRN of the custom NAR configuration.

customPythonConfigurationCrn -> (string)

The CRN of the custom Python configuration.

Form Factors
