- subtitle
Import deployment configuration.
- version
Imports deployment configuration from archive with provided archive name.
--environment-crn <value>
--deployment-request-crn <value>
[--archive-name <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The CRN of an environment to execute the command.
The CRN of the deployment request.
Search term to filter exported archives by deployment name.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
rpcImportedDeploymentConfiguration -> (object)
Contains the configuration data imported from exported archive.
autoScalingEnabled -> (boolean)
The auto-scaling flag value retrieved from archive.
flowMetricsScalingEnabled -> (boolean)
The flow-metrics flag value retrieved from archive.
autoScaleMinNodes -> (integer)
The cluster’s minimum number of nodes value retrieved from archive.
autoScaleMaxNodes -> (integer)
The cluster’s maximum number of nodes value retrieved from archive.
staticNodeCount -> (integer)
The cluster’s static node count retrieved from archive.
clusterSize -> (object)
Cluster scaling parameters.
name -> (string)
The name of this Cluster Size.
coresPerNode -> (double)
The number of CPU Cores per node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).
memoryLimit -> (double)
The memory limit (will be truncated to the nearest integer).
kpis -> (array)
The list of configured KPIs imported from archive.
item -> (object)
An instantiated KPI specifying a metric on which to alert
metricId -> (string)
The id of the associated metric
id -> (string)
The id of the KPI; used only when viewing and editing existing KPIs
metricComponentType -> (string)
The component type of the associated metric
alert -> (object)
An alert configuration that specifies a configured frequency with lower and/or upper thresholds
thresholdMoreThan -> (object)
A configured alert threshold to pair together a statistical unit and value
unitId -> (string)
The identifier of the alert threshold unit to associate with the given threshold value
value -> (double)
The threshold value whose triggering causes an alert
thresholdLessThan -> (object)
A configured alert threshold to pair together a statistical unit and value
unitId -> (string)
The identifier of the alert threshold unit to associate with the given threshold value
value -> (double)
The threshold value whose triggering causes an alert
frequencyTolerance -> (object)
An alert configuration frequency tolerance for measuring an amount of time and unit for alert triggering
unit -> (object)
The alert frequency unit to use in KPI tolerances and metrics
id -> (string)
The id of the frequency unit
label -> (string)
The user-friendly label of the frequency unit
abbreviation -> (string)
The abbreviation for frequency unit
value -> (double)
The amount of time, associated with the given unit, a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated
componentId -> (string)
The optional process group ID, processor ID, or connection ID. This is a composite ID containing a chain of process group IDs representing the component’s full ancestry
flowParameterGroups -> (array)
The flow parameter groups with values imported from archive.
item -> (object)
A flow parameter group
name -> (string)
The name of the parameter group
parameters -> (array)
The parameters in the group
item -> (object)
A flow parameter
name -> (string)
The name of the parameter
description -> (string)
The description of the param
value -> (string)
The value of the parameter
sensitive -> (boolean)
Whether or not the parameter value is sensitive
type -> (string)
The type of parameter. Possibly TEXT, FILE, FILES
assetReferences -> (array)
The list of referenced assets.
( … recursive … )
valueSet -> (boolean)
Indicates if the value of this parameter is set (i.e. not null)
cfmNifiVersion -> (string)
The CFM NiFi version retrieved from archive.
inboundHostName -> (string)
The FQDN of inbound hostname constructed with prefix imported from archive.
listenComponents -> (array)
The concatenated list of Nifi listen components imported from archive and flow.
item -> (object)
Provides subset of metadata of a Listen* component
protocol -> (string)
Inbound protocol
listenComponentType -> (string)
Listen component type
port -> (string)
Inbound port
nodeStorageProfile -> (string)
The node storage profile imported from archive.
projectCrn -> (string)
The project CRN retrieved from backup.
customNarConfigurationCrn -> (string)
The CRN of the custom NAR configuration.
customPythonConfigurationCrn -> (string)
The CRN of the custom Python configuration.
Form Factors¶