

Creates a deployment.




Creates a deployment.


--environment-crn <value>
--configuration-version <value>
--name <value>
--deployment-request-crn <value>
[--parameter-groups <value>]
[--auto-scaling-enabled | --no-auto-scaling-enabled]
[--flow-metrics-scaling-enabled | --no-flow-metrics-scaling-enabled]
[--auto-scale-min-nodes <value>]
[--auto-scale-max-nodes <value>]
[--static-node-count <value>]
[--kpis <value>]
[--cfm-nifi-version <value>]
[--auto-start-flow | --no-auto-start-flow]
[--cluster-size <value>]
[--inbound-hostname <value>]
[--listen-components <value>]
[--node-storage-profile-name <value>]
[--custom-nar-configuration-crn <value>]
[--custom-python-configuration-crn <value>]
[--project-crn <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--environment-crn (string)

The CRN of an environment to execute the command.

--configuration-version (integer)

The version of this configuration.

--name (string)

The name of the deployment.

--deployment-request-crn (string)

The CRN of the deployment request.

--parameter-groups (array)

The list of flow parameter groups.

JSON Syntax:

    "name": "string",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "value": "string",
        "sensitive": true|false,
        "type": "TEXT"|"FILE"|"FILES",
        "assetReferences": [
          { ... recursive ... }
        "valueSet": true|false

--auto-scaling-enabled | --no-auto-scaling-enabled (boolean)

Specifies that auto-scaling should be enabled.

--flow-metrics-scaling-enabled | --no-flow-metrics-scaling-enabled (boolean)

Specifies that Flow metrics should be enabled for scaling.

--auto-scale-min-nodes (integer)

The minimum number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when auto-scaling-enabled is true.

--auto-scale-max-nodes (integer)

The maximum number of nodes that the cluster should scale to. May only be specified when auto-scaling-enabled is true.

--static-node-count (integer)

The static number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when auto-scaling-enabled is false.

--kpis (array)

The list of configured KPIs.

JSON Syntax:

    "metricId": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "alert": {
      "thresholdMoreThan": {
        "unitId": "string",
        "value": double
      "thresholdLessThan": {
        "unitId": "string",
        "value": double
      "frequencyTolerance": {
        "unit": {
          "id": "SECONDS"|"MINUTES"|"HOURS"|"DAYS",
          "label": "string",
          "abbreviation": "string"
        "value": double
    "componentId": "string"

--cfm-nifi-version (string)

The CFM NiFi version associated with the deployment.

--auto-start-flow | --no-auto-start-flow (boolean)

Indicates whether or not the flow should be started during deployment creation.

--cluster-size (object)

Cluster scaling parameters.

name -> (string)

The name of this Cluster Size.

coresPerNode -> (double)

The number of CPU Cores per node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

memoryLimit -> (double)

The memory limit (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "coresPerNode": double,
  "memoryLimit": double

--inbound-hostname (string)

The FQDN of inbound hostname or just the prefix part.

--listen-components (array)

Listen components port and protocol data.

Shorthand Syntax:

protocol=string,listenComponentType=string,port=string ... (separate items with spaces)

JSON Syntax:

    "protocol": "TCP"|"UDP",
    "listenComponentType": "ListenHTTP"|"ListenFTP"|"ListenSyslog"|"ListenRELP"|"ListenTCP"|"ListenUDP"|"ListenTCPRecord"|"ListenUDPRecord"|"ListenGRPC"|"ListenSMTP"|"ListenBeats"|"ListenLumberjack"|"ListenWebSocket"|"HandleHttpRequest",
    "port": "string"

--node-storage-profile-name (string)

The node storage profile name.

Possible values:






--custom-nar-configuration-crn (string)

The CRN of the custom NAR configuration.

--custom-python-configuration-crn (string)

The CRN of the custom Python configuration.

--project-crn (string)

The CRN of the project.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


deployment -> (object)

Provides details about a deployment.

name -> (string)

The name of the deployment.

status -> (object)

The state and state message associated with a deployment.

detailedState -> (string)

The detailed state that the deployment is currently in.

state -> (string)

The state that the deployment is currently in.

message -> (string)

Detail message relating to the current status of the deployment.

service -> (object)

The meta information about a DataFlow service.

crn -> (string)

The CRN of the DataFlow service

name -> (string)

The name of the DataFlow service

cloudPlatform -> (string)

The cloudPlatform flag of the DataFlow service

region -> (object)

A cloud region

name -> (string)

Name of the cloud region

displayName -> (string)

Display-friendly name of the cloud region

environmentCrn -> (string)

Crn of associated CDP environment

crn -> (string)

The CRN of the deployment.

activeInfoAlertCount -> (integer)

Current count of active alerts classified as an info.

activeWarningAlertCount -> (integer)

Current count of active alerts classified as a warning.

activeErrorAlertCount -> (integer)

Current count of active alerts classified as an error.

created -> (integer)

Timestamp of the creation of the deployment.

updated -> (integer)

Timestamp of the last time the deployment was modified.

validActions -> (array)

Valid actions that can be applied to the deployment in its current state.

item -> (string)

project -> (object)

The meta information about a project.

id -> (string)

The id of the project

crn -> (string)

The CRN of the project

name -> (string)

The name of the group

nifiUrl -> (string)

The url to open the deployed flow in NiFi.

clusterSizeParams -> (object)

Cluster scaling parameters.

name -> (string)

The name of this Cluster Size.

coresPerNode -> (double)

The number of CPU Cores per node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

memoryLimit -> (double)

The memory limit (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

text -> (string)

The text (i.e., the human readable name) for this Cluster Size.

heapSize -> (double)

The heap size.

enabled -> (boolean)

Flag to signal whether this ClusterSize is enabled.

customClusterSizeLimits -> (object)

Limits for the custom cluster size type.

maximumCpuCoresPerNode -> (double)

The maximum number of CPU Cores per node, that fit on the node type.

minimumCpuCoresPerNode -> (double)

The minimum number of CPU Cores per node, that fit on the node type.

maximumMemoryLimit -> (double)

The upper memory limit that is available on the node type.

minimumMemoryLimit -> (double)

The lower memory limit that is available on the node type.

autoscalingEnabled -> (boolean)

Whether or not autoscaling is enabled for this deployment.

flowMetricsScalingEnabled -> (boolean)

Whether or not flow metrics scaling is enabled for this deployment.

autoscaleMinNodes -> (integer)

The minimum number of nodes that the deployment will allocate; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is true.

autoscaleMaxNodes -> (integer)

The maximum number of nodes that the deployment can scale up to; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is true.

staticNodeCount -> (integer)

The static number of nodes of the deployment; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is false.

flowName -> (string)

The name of the flow.

flowVersion -> (integer)

The version of the flow.

flowVersionCrn -> (string)

The deployment’s current flow version CRN.

flowCrn -> (string)

The deployment’s current flow CRN.

creatorCrn -> (string)

The CRN of the user who deployed the flow.

artifactTypeName -> (string)

The type of artifact of the flow.

currentNodeCount -> (integer)

The current node count.

deployedByUsername -> (string)

The username of the person who deployed the flow.

deployedByName -> (string)

The name of the person who deployed the flow.

dfxLocalUrl -> (string)

Base URL to the CDF Local instance running this deployment.

configurationVersion -> (integer)

The current version of the deployment’s configuration.

lastUpdatedByUsername -> (string)

The username of the last person to update the deployment.

cfmNifiVersion -> (string)

The CFM NiFi version associated with the deployment.

inboundConnectionEndpointId -> (string)

The ID of Inbound Connection Endpoint assigned to the deployment.

testSession -> (boolean)

Indicates this deployment was created as a test session for designing a flow.

flowDesignerId -> (string)

The ID of the flow design for a test session deployment.

customNarConfigurationId -> (string)

The identifier of the custom NAR configuration, if used.

customPythonConfigurationId -> (string)

The identifier of the custom python configuration, if used.

nodeStorageProfile -> (string)

The node storage profile.

projectCrn -> (string)

The crn of the project this deployment belongs to, or null if does not belong to a project.

Form Factors
