- subtitle
Enable DataFlow service from a CDP environment.
- version
Enable DataFlow service from a CDP environment.
--environment-crn <value>
--min-k8s-node-count <value>
--max-k8s-node-count <value>
--use-public-load-balancer | --no-use-public-load-balancer
[--kube-api-authorized-ip-ranges <value>]
[--tags <value>]
[--load-balancer-authorized-ip-ranges <value>]
[--cluster-subnets <value>]
[--load-balancer-subnets <value>]
[--private-cluster | --no-private-cluster]
[--instance-type <value>]
[--skip-preflight-checks | --no-skip-preflight-checks]
[--user-defined-routing | --no-user-defined-routing]
[--pod-cidr <value>]
[--service-cidr <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The CDP environment CRN
The minimum number of kubernetes nodes needed for the service.
The maximum number of kubernetes nodes that service may scale up under high-demand situations.
| --no-use-public-load-balancer
Indicates whether or not to use a public load balancer when deploying dependencies stack, such as Nginx Ingress Controller.
The IP ranges authorized to connect to the Kubernetes API server.
"string" "string" ...
The tags to apply to service-related resources created.
Shorthand Syntax:
JSON Syntax:
{"string": "string"
IP Ranges that are authorized to access DF local endpoints.
"string" "string" ...
Subnets to use for the Kubernetes cluster
"string" "string" ...
Subnets to use for the Load Balancer
"string" "string" ...
| --no-private-cluster
Indicates whether to provision private k8s cluster.
Indicates custom instance type to be used
| --no-skip-preflight-checks
Indicates whether to skip Liftie’s pre-flight checks.
| --no-user-defined-routing
Indicates whether User Defined Routing (UDR) mode is enabled for AKS clusters.
CIDR range from which to assign IPs to pods in the kubernetes cluster.
CIDR range from which to assign IPs to internal services in the kubernetes cluster.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
service -> (object)
The DataFlow view of a CDP service.
crn -> (string)
The service CRN.
environmentCrn -> (string)
The CDP Environment CRN
name -> (string)
The service name.
cloudPlatform -> (string)
The cloud platform of the service.
region -> (string)
The region of the service.
deploymentCount -> (integer)
The deployment count.
minK8sNodeCount -> (integer)
The minimum number of Kubernetes nodes that need to be provisioned in the service
maxK8sNodeCount -> (integer)
The maximum number of kubernetes nodes that service may scale up under high-demand situations
status -> (object)
The status of a DataFlow enabled service.
state -> (string)
The state of the service.
message -> (string)
A status message for the service.
detailedState -> (string)
The detailed state of the service.
workloadVersion -> (string)
The workload version of the service.
runningK8sNodeCount -> (integer)
The number of kubernetes nodes currently running for this service.
instanceType -> (string)
The instance type of the kubernetes nodes currently in use by DataFlow for this service.
dfLocalUrl -> (string)
The URL of the service local DataFlow application.
kubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges -> (array)
The IP Ranges authorized to connect to the Kubernetes API Server.
item -> (string)
activeInfoAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an info
activeWarningAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
activeErrorAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an error
clusterId -> (string)
Cluster id of the service, if enabled
validActions -> (array)
Valid actions that can be applied based on the current state of the service
item -> (string)
usePublicLoadBalancer -> (boolean)
Whether or not a public load balancer is exposed.
tags -> (map)
The tags to apply to service related resources created
key -> (string)
value -> (string)
loadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges -> (array)
IP Ranges that are authorized to access CDF local endpoints.
item -> (string)
clusterSubnets -> (array)
Subnets to use for the Kubernetes cluster
item -> (string)
creatingK8sNodeCount -> (integer)
The number of kubernetes nodes currently under creation for this service.
terminatingK8sNodeCount -> (integer)
The number of kubernetes nodes currently terminating for this service.
loadBalancerSubnets -> (array)
Subnets to use for the Load Balancer
item -> (string)
privateCluster -> (boolean)
Whether the k8s cluster is private or not.
proxyName -> (string)
The name of the proxy that is configured for the CDP environment
k8sServerVersion -> (string)
The kubernetes version of the cluster
availableK8sVersionUpgrade -> (string)
The available kubernetes version that cluster can be upgraded to.
userDefinedRouting -> (boolean)
Whether User Defined Routing (UDR) mode is enabled for AKS clusters or not.
podCidr -> (string)
CIDR range from which to assign IPs to pods in the kubernetes cluster.
serviceCidr -> (string)
CIDR range from which to assign IPs to internal services in the kubernetes cluster.
encryptionParameters -> (object)
The encryption parameters used by the DataFlow service for K8s secret encryption and EBS volume encryption.
encryptionStrategy -> (string)
The encryption strategy used by the DataFlow service.
encryptionKeyArn -> (string)
The AWS KMS key ARN used for encryption of Kubernetes secrets and EBS volumes.
Form Factors¶