- subtitle
Creates a Project.
- version
Creates a Project.
--name <value>
--service-crn <value>
[--description <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The Project name.
The service CRN.
The Project description.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
project -> (object)
A Project
crn -> (string)
The Project CRN.
name -> (string)
The Project name.
service -> (object)
Metadata about a service
crn -> (string)
The crn of the service
name -> (string)
the name of the environment
cloudProvider -> (string)
the cloud provider
region -> (string)
the region within the cloud provider
environmentCrn -> (string)
The CDP Environment CRN
created -> (integer)
The created timestamp.
updated -> (integer)
The last updated timestamp.
revision -> (integer)
The Project revision
description -> (string)
The Project description.
deleting -> (boolean)
Whether or not the project is currently deleting
Form Factors¶