

Enable Cloudera Data Engineering(CDE) Service




Returns enabling response.


--name <value>
--env <value>
--instance-type <value>
--minimum-instances <value>
--maximum-instances <value>
[--minimum-spot-instances <value>]
[--maximum-spot-instances <value>]
[--initial-instances <value>]
[--initial-spot-instances <value>]
[--root-volume-size <value>]
[--enable-public-endpoint | --no-enable-public-endpoint]
[--deploy-previous-version | --no-deploy-previous-version]
[--enable-workload-analytics | --no-enable-workload-analytics]
[--use-ssd | --no-use-ssd]
[--chart-value-overrides <value>]
[--whitelist-ips <value>]
[--loadbalancer-allowlist <value>]
[--tags <value>]
[--skip-validation | --no-skip-validation]
[--enable-private-network | --no-enable-private-network]
[--subnets <value>]
[--azure-fileshare-private-dns-zone-id <value>]
[--azure-database-private-dns-zone-id <value>]
[--custom-azure-files-configs <value>]
[--network-outbound-type <value>]
[--cpu-requests <value>]
[--memory-requests <value>]
[--gpu-requests <value>]
[--resource-pool <value>]
[--nfs-storage-class <value>]
[--all-purpose-instance-type <value>]
[--all-purpose-minimum-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-maximum-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-minimum-spot-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-maximum-spot-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-initial-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-initial-spot-instances <value>]
[--all-purpose-root-volume-size <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--name (string)

Name of the CDE Service.

--env (string)

CDP environment where cde service should be enabled.

--instance-type (string)

Instance type of the cluster for CDE Service.

--minimum-instances (integer)

Minimum Instances for the CDE Service.

--maximum-instances (integer)

Maximum Instances for the CDE Service.

--minimum-spot-instances (integer)

Minimum Spot instances for the CDE Service.

--maximum-spot-instances (integer)

Maximum Spot Instances for the CDE Service.

--initial-instances (integer)

Initial Instances when the service is enabled.

--initial-spot-instances (integer)

Initial spot Instances when the service is enabled.

--root-volume-size (integer)

EBS volume size in GB.

--enable-public-endpoint | --no-enable-public-endpoint (boolean)

Creates a CDE endpoint (Load Balancer) in a publicly accessible subnet. If set false, the endpoint will be created in a private subnet and you will need to setup access to the endpoint manually in your cloud account.

--deploy-previous-version | --no-deploy-previous-version (boolean)

If set to “true”, the previous version of the CDE service will be deployed.

--enable-workload-analytics | --no-enable-workload-analytics (boolean)

If set false, diagnostic information about job and query execution is sent to Cloudera Workload Manager. Anonymization can be configured under Environments / Shared Resources / Telemetry. Refer documentation for more info at https://docs.cloudera.com/workload-manager/cloud/index.html.

--use-ssd | --no-use-ssd (boolean)

Instance local storage (SSD) would be used for the workload filesystem (Example - spark local directory). In case the workload requires more space than what’s available in the instance storage, please use an instance type with sufficient instance local storage or choose an instance type without SSD and configure the EBS volume size. Currently supported only for aws services.

--chart-value-overrides (array)

Chart overrides for enabling a service.

Shorthand Syntax:

chartName=string,overrides=string ... (separate items with spaces)

JSON Syntax:

    "chartName": "string",
    "overrides": "string"

--whitelist-ips (array)

List of CIDRs that would be allowed to access kubernetes master API server.


"string" "string" ...

--loadbalancer-allowlist (array)

List of CIDRs that would be allowed to access the load balancer.


"string" "string" ...

--tags (map)

User defined labels that tag all provisioned cloud resources.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

{"string": "string"

--skip-validation | --no-skip-validation (boolean)

Skip Validation check.

--enable-private-network | --no-enable-private-network (boolean)

Create a fully private CDE instance on either Amazon or Azure. This includes services such as Kubernetes, MySQL, etc. For Azure, this will also enable virtual network (VNet) access via private endpoints and private link.

--subnets (array)

List of Subnet IDs of CDP subnets to use for the kubernetes worker node.


"string" "string" ...

--azure-fileshare-private-dns-zone-id (string)

Resource ID of custom private DNS zone for Azure storage account.

--azure-database-private-dns-zone-id (string)

Resource ID of the custom private DNS zone associated with the Azure database.

--custom-azure-files-configs (object)

Override Azure Files Configs.

storageAccountName -> (string)

Azure Storage Account of the File Share.

resourceGroup -> (string)

Resource Group of the Storage Account.

azureFilesFQDN -> (string)

Azure File Share’s server address. Defaults to ‘.file.core.windows.net’.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "storageAccountName": "string",
  "resourceGroup": "string",
  "azureFilesFQDN": "string"

--network-outbound-type (string)

Network outbound type. Currently ‘udr’ is the only supported.

Possible values:

  • UDR

--cpu-requests (string)

CPU Requests for the entire CDE service quota.

Form Factors: private

--memory-requests (string)

Memory requests for the entire CDE service quota, eg. 100Gi.

Form Factors: private

--gpu-requests (string)

GPU requests for the entire CDE service quota.

Form Factors: private

--resource-pool (string)

Resource Pool for the CDE service.

Form Factors: private

--nfs-storage-class (string)

NFS Storage class to override the default storage class in private cloud.

Form Factors: private

--all-purpose-instance-type (string)

Instance type of the cluster for CDE Service for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-minimum-instances (integer)

Minimum Instances for the CDE Service for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-maximum-instances (integer)

Maximum Instances for the CDE Service for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-minimum-spot-instances (integer)

Minimum Spot instances for the CDE Service for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-maximum-spot-instances (integer)

Maximum Spot Instances for the CDE Service for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-initial-instances (integer)

Initial Instances when the service is enabled for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-initial-spot-instances (integer)

Initial spot Instances when the service is enabled for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--all-purpose-root-volume-size (integer)

EBS volume size in GB for the All Purpose Instance Group.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


service -> (object)

Detailed description of a CDE service.

name -> (string)

Name of the CDE Service.

clusterId -> (string)

Cluster Id of the CDE Service.

environmentName -> (string)

CDP Environment Name.

environmentCrn -> (string)

CRN of the environment.

tenantId -> (string)

CDP tenant ID.

resources -> (object)

Object to store resources for a CDE service.

instance_type -> (string)

Instance type of the CDE service.

min_instances -> (string)

Minimum Instances for the CDE service.

max_instances -> (string)

Maximum instances for the CDE service.

initial_instances -> (string)

Initial instances for the CDE service.

min_spot_instances -> (string)

Minimum number of spot instances for the CDE service.

max_spot_instances -> (string)

Maximum Number of Spot instances.

initial_spot_instances -> (string)

Initial Spot Instances for the CDE Service.

root_vol_size -> (string)

Root Volume Size.

cpuRequests -> (string)

CPU Requests for the entire CDE service quota.

Form Factors: private

memoryRequests -> (string)

Memory requests for the entire CDE service quota, eg. 100Gi.

Form Factors: private

gpuRequests -> (string)

GPU requests for the entire CDE service quota.

Form Factors: private

resourcePool -> (string)

Resource Pool for the CDE service.

Form Factors: private

allPurposeInstanceGroupDetails -> (object)

Instance group details for the All purpose Tier.

instance_type -> (string)

Instance type of the cluster for CDE Service.

min_instances -> (string)

Minimum number of Instances for the CDE Service.

max_instances -> (string)

Maximum number of Instances for the CDE Service.

min_spot_instances -> (string)

Minimum number of Spot instances for the CDE Service.

max_spot_instances -> (string)

Maximum number of Spot Instances for the CDE Service.

initial_instances -> (string)

Initial number of Instances when the service is enabled.

initial_spot_instances -> (string)

Initial number of spot Instances when the service is enabled.

root_vol_size -> (string)

EBS volume size in GB.

status -> (string)

Status of the CDE service.

creatorEmail -> (string)

Email address of the creator of the CDE service.

creatorCrn -> (string)

CRN of the creator.

enablingTime -> (string)

Timestamp of service enabling.

clusterFqdn -> (string)

FQDN of the CDE service.

cloudPlatform -> (string)

The cloud platform where the CDE service is enabled.

dataLakeFileSystems -> (string)

The Data lake file system.

logLocation -> (string)

Location for the log files of jobs.

backupLocation -> (string)

Base location for the service backup archives.

dataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint -> (string)

Endpoint of Data Lake Atlas.

chartValueOverrides -> (array)

Chart overrides for the Virtual Cluster.

item -> (object)

Response object containing chart value overrides.

chartName -> (string)

Name of the chart that has to be overridden, for eg- “dex-app”, “dex-base”.

overrides -> (string)

Space separated key value-pairs for overriding chart values. The key and the value must be separated using a colon(:) For eg- “airflow.enabled:true safari.enabled:true”.

whitelistIps -> (string)

List of CIDRs that would be allowed to access kubernetes master API server.

loadbalancerAllowlist -> (string)

Comma-separated CIDRs that would be allowed to access the load balancer.

subnets -> (string)

List of Subnet IDs of the CDP subnets used by the kubernetes worker node.

privateClusterEnabled -> (boolean)

If true, the CDE service was created with fully private Azure services (AKS, MySQL, etc.).

publicEndpointEnabled -> (boolean)

If true, the CDE endpoint was created in a publicly accessible subnet.

networkOutboundType -> (string)

Network outbound type. Currently ‘udr’ is the only supported.

previousVersionDeployed -> (boolean)

The “true” value indicates that the previous version of the CDE service was requested to be deployed.

workloadAnalyticsEnabled -> (boolean)

If true, diagnostic information about job and query execution is sent to Cloudera Workload Manager.

ssdUsed -> (boolean)

If true, SSD would have been be used for workload filesystem.

Form Factors

public, private