

Update instance group




Updates an instance group of a compute cluster.


--cluster-crn <value>
--instance-group <value>
--cluster-state-version <value>
[--skip-validation | --no-skip-validation]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--cluster-crn (string)

Compute cluster CRN.

--instance-group (object)

Instance group structure.

name -> (string)


instanceCount -> (integer)

Instance count.

autoscaling -> (object)

AutoScaling structure.

maxInstance -> (integer)

Max instances.

minInstance -> (integer)

Min instances.

enabled -> (boolean)

Enable flag.

enableCfsQuota -> (boolean)

Enables CPU CFS quota. Defaults to true if not specified.

instanceImage -> (string)

Instance image.

instanceTier -> (string)

Instance tier.

kubeReservedCpu -> (integer)

Reserved kubelet CPU in millicpu.

kubeReservedMemory -> (integer)

Reserved kubelet memory in MiB.

kubeReservedStorage -> (integer)

Reserved kubelet ephemeral storage in MiB.

labels -> (map)


key -> (string)

value -> (string)

rootVolume -> (object)

Root volume structure.

size -> (integer)

Root volume size.

singleZone -> (boolean)

Use single availability zone. Simple boolean for EKS. AKS is used in conjunction with UseAvailabilityZones.

systemReservedCpu -> (integer)

Reserved OS CPU in millicpu.

systemReservedMemory -> (integer)

Reserved OS memory in MiB.

systemReservedStorage -> (integer)

Reserved OS ephemeral storage in MiB.

taints -> (map)


key -> (string)

value -> (string)

useAvailabilityZones -> (boolean)

Used for Azure clusters only.

instanceTypes -> (array)

Instance types. General purpose: M4, M5, M5a, M5ad, and M5d. Compute optimized: C3, C4, C5, C5d, C5n, and cc2.8xlarge. Memory optimized: cr1.8xlarge, R3, R4, R5, R5a, R5ad, R5d, X1, X1e, and z1d. Storage optimized: D2, H1, hs1.8xlarge, I2, I3, and I3en. Accelerated computing: F1, G2, G3, P2, and P3.

item -> (string)

accelerator -> (object)

Accelerator structure.

count -> (integer)

GPU count.

type -> (string)

GPU type.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "name": "string",
  "instanceCount": integer,
  "autoscaling": {
    "maxInstance": integer,
    "minInstance": integer,
    "enabled": true|false
  "enableCfsQuota": true|false,
  "instanceImage": "string",
  "instanceTier": "string",
  "kubeReservedCpu": integer,
  "kubeReservedMemory": integer,
  "kubeReservedStorage": integer,
  "labels": {"string": "string"
  "rootVolume": {
    "size": integer
  "singleZone": true|false,
  "systemReservedCpu": integer,
  "systemReservedMemory": integer,
  "systemReservedStorage": integer,
  "taints": {"string": "string"
  "useAvailabilityZones": true|false,
  "instanceTypes": ["string", ...],
  "accelerator": {
    "count": integer,
    "type": "string"

--cluster-state-version (integer)

Cluster state version.

--skip-validation | --no-skip-validation (boolean)

Whether to skip validation.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


clusterCrn -> (string)

Compute cluster CRN.

clusterStatus -> (object)

Cluster status structure.

message -> (string)


status -> (string)


uri -> (string)

Uniform resource identifier of cluster.

validationResponse -> (object)

Pre-flight validation check response structure.

result -> (string)

Validation result.

summary -> (object)

Validation summary structure.

passed -> (integer)

Total number of passed validations.

warning -> (integer)

Total number of validations that passed but have warnings associated with them.

failed -> (integer)

Total number of failed validations.

skipped -> (integer)

Total number of skipped validations.

total -> (integer)

Total number of validations.

message -> (string)

A message describing end result of the validations.

validations -> (array)

The list of detailed validation result.

item -> (object)

Validation result structure.

name -> (string)


description -> (string)


category -> (string)

Validation check categories such as COMMON, ENTITLEMENTS, CONTROL_PLANE, NETWORK, or DEPLOYMENT. New values may be added in the future.

status -> (string)

Validation check status such as PASSED, FAILED, or SKIPPED. New values may be added in the future.

message -> (string)

A short, human-readable message that describes the end result of the validation.

detailedMessage -> (string)

A supporting message which contains additional details, such as subnet names, instance types, etc.

duration -> (string)

Time taken to get the end result of the validation in a human-readable time format.

Form Factors
