

Describe Application




Describes an application.


--environment <value>
--application <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--environment (string)

The name or CRN of the environment.

--application (string)

The name or CRN of the pplication.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


application -> (object)

Details of an application.

applicationCrn -> (string)

The CRN of application.

name -> (string)

The name of application.

type -> (string)

CDP Application Type. AIRFLOW - Airflow CSS - Cloudera Semantic Search NOTEBOOK - Standalone Notebook Service RAY - Standalone Ray Service

applicationVersion -> (string)

The version of the installed application.

size -> (string)

The size of the application refers to the specific amount of resources, such as CPU, memory, GPU and storage, that are allocated and guaranteed for that instance. Example Values: TINY,`SMALL`, LARGE, XLARGE, etc

applicationSpotPolicy -> (string)

Application policy for using spot tier in public cloud DEFAULT - By default application infra services and workload master would run on on-demand instances and the application workload executor will run on spot instances. WORKLOAD - WORKLOAD will run all application workloads including workload master (driver) on spot instamces. NONE - NONE will run all application services on on-demand instances. ALL - ALL will run all application services on spot instances.

Form Factors: public

status -> (string)

Health status of an Application. HEALTHY - Application is in a Healthy status. UNHEALTHY - Application is in an Unhealthy status. UNKNOWN - Application is in an Unknown status

actualState -> (string)

Health state of an Application. INFRA_PROVISIONING - Application is provisioning and configuring required infra. INFRA_PROVISIONED - Underlying infra has been provisioned and configured. INFRA_PROVISIONING_FAILED - Underlying infra has been provisioned and configured. STARTING - Application is starting. STARTED - Application has started. STARTING_FAILED - Application starting failed. STOPPING - Application is stopping. STOPPED - Application is stopped. STOPPING_FAILED - Application stopping failed. DELETING - Application is being deleted. DELETED - Application is deleted. DELETING_FAILED - Application deleting failed.

desiredState -> (string)

Health state of an Application. INFRA_PROVISIONING - Application is provisioning and configuring required infra. INFRA_PROVISIONED - Underlying infra has been provisioned and configured. INFRA_PROVISIONING_FAILED - Underlying infra has been provisioned and configured. STARTING - Application is starting. STARTED - Application has started. STARTING_FAILED - Application starting failed. STOPPING - Application is stopping. STOPPED - Application is stopped. STOPPING_FAILED - Application stopping failed. DELETING - Application is being deleted. DELETED - Application is deleted. DELETING_FAILED - Application deleting failed.

clusterCrn -> (string)

The compute cluster used by the application.

environmentCrn -> (string)

The Environment CRN for the application.

tags -> (map)

Tags to added to the cloud provider resources created.

Form Factors: public

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Form Factors
