Create and manage replication policies using Cloudera Replication Manager.
Version information
Version : 0.9.132
License information
License : Apache 2.0
Terms of service : https://www.cloudera.com/legal/commercial-terms-and-conditions.html
URI scheme
Schemes : HTTPS
Resume a suspended HBase replication policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/activateHbasePolicy
Resumes an HBase replication policy if it has previously been suspended. Note that if the destination cluster’s Cloudera Manager API version is higher than 50 then it resumes all HBase replication policies between the same source and destination cluster, while if it is less than 45 then it only resumes the selected policy. Resume is not available for versions between 45 and 50.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Resume all replication tasks defined by the policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/activatePolicy
Resumes all replication tasks defined by the policy if the policy is currently suspended.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Collect diagnostic bundle for a policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/collectDiagnosticBundle
Triggers the collection of diagnostic bundle for a policy.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Continue the setup of an HBase policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/continueHbaseSetup
Continues the setup of an HBase policy. If an HBase policy has a Classic Cluster source, the HBase service on the source will not be restarted automatically. The restart on the source needs to be executed manually, and then the continue setup step has to be called. There is no need to call this command if the source cluster is not a Classic Cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Create an ABFS Cloud Credential.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/createAbfsCredential
Creates a new ABFS cloud credential.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Create an AWS Cloud Credential.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/createAwsCredential
Creates a new AWS cloud credential.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Create an HBase Replication Policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/createHbasePolicy
Creates a new HBase replication policy with the given name on a specific cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Create a Replication Policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/createPolicy
Creates a new replication policy with the given name on a specific cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Delete Cloud Credential.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/deleteCredential
Permanently deletes a specific cloud credential.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Delete an HBase Replication Policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/deleteHbasePolicy
Permanently deletes a specific HBase replication policy.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Delete Replication Policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/deletePolicy
Permanently deletes a specific replication policy.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Download diagnostic bundle for a policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/downloadDiagnosticBundle
Downloads the previously collected diagnostic bundle if available. Before calling, the get-command-status command shall be polled until the command’s status shows 'DOWNLOADABLE_WITH_CLI'. If the status is 'DOWNLOADABLE_WITH_URL', the result can be downloaded with the given result data URL only.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get configuration of a cluster.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/getClusterConfig
Retrieves configuration of a specific cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get the status of the given CM command.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/getCommandStatus
Return the current status of the given CM command.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get Cloud Credentials from a Cluster.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/getCredentials
Returns cloud credentials on a specific cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists Cloud Credentials.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/listAllCredentials
Provides a detailed list of cloud credentials across all available clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists Cluster Service Statuses.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/listClusterServiceStatuses
Provides a list of cluster service (e.g. HDFS, Hive, YARN, etc.) statuses.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists all clusters.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/listClusters
Provides a detailed list of all available clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List cluster CRNs which have an active HBase policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/listPairedHbaseClusters
Provides a list of cluster CRNs with active HBase policies.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get All Replication Policies.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/listPolicies
Provides a list of all replication policies across all available clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Suspend an HBase replication policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/suspendHbasePolicy
Pauses an active HBase replication policy. Note that if the destination cluster’s Cloudera Manager API version is higher than 50 then it suspends all HBase replication policies between the same source and destination cluster, while if it is less than 45 then it only suspends the selected policy. Suspend is not available for versions between 45 and 50.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Stop all replication tasks defined by the policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/suspendPolicy
Stops all replication tasks defined by the policy. Replication will resume after activating the policy.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Update an HBase Replication Policy.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/updateHbasePolicy
Updates an existing HBase replication policy with the given parameters on a specific cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Verify a source-destination cluster pair for HBase policy creation.
POST /api/v1/replicationmanager/verifyHbaseClusterPair
Returns whether the cluster pair is ready for policy creation, or if there are some manual steps that need to be performed before.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Describes a successful response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
ABFS cloud credential type.
Activate an HBase replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
policyId |
ID of the HBase policy. |
string |
Response object for activateHbasePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Activate a replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster where the policy is. |
string |
policyName |
Policy name to resume. |
string |
Response object for resumePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
requestId |
The ID of the request. Populated only for Ambari backend. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Cloudera Manager alerting behavior.
Name | Description | Schema |
onAbort |
Alert on abort. |
boolean |
onFailure |
Alert on failure. |
boolean |
onStart |
Alert on start. |
boolean |
onSuccess |
ALert on success. |
boolean |
API error.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterUrl |
Cluster URL. |
string |
code |
Error code. |
integer (int32) |
message |
Error message. |
string |
requestId |
Request ID. |
string |
status |
Error status. |
string |
AWS cloud credential type.
Type : enum (IAM, ACCESSKEY)
Describes a Datalake, Datahub or Classic cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudAccountProvider |
Cloud account provider. |
clusterManagerType |
Cluster Manager type. |
clusterManagerUrl |
Cluster Manager URL. |
string |
clusterType |
Cluster type. |
clusterUrl |
Cluster URL. |
string |
cmName |
Cloudera Manager name. |
string |
codProperties |
Additional properties for operational databases. |
crn |
Cluster CRN. |
string |
dataCenter |
Cluster data center. |
string |
description |
Cluster description. |
string |
environmentCrn |
CRN of the cluster’s environment. |
string |
knoxUrl |
Knox URL if the cluster was registered with one, null otherwise. |
string |
location |
Cluster location. |
name |
Cluster name. |
string |
replicationEngineType |
Replication engine type. |
enum (CM, DLM_ENGINE) |
stackCrn |
Stack CRN. |
string |
stackMajorVersion |
Stack major version. |
string |
stackVersion |
Stack version. |
string |
totalHosts |
Total hosts on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
uuid |
Cluster UUID from Cloudera Manager if the cluster has CM backend. |
string |
Describes the status of services running on a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Cluster CRN. |
string |
serviceStatuses |
List of service statuses. |
< ServiceInfo > array |
CM Policy submit user.
Name | Description | Schema |
sourceUser |
Source user. |
string |
userName |
Username. |
string |
Additional properties for operational databases.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationalDatabaseName |
Name of the corresponding operational database.. |
string |
Triggers a diagnostic bundle collect command for the given cluster and policyName.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the target cluster. |
string |
policyName |
Name of the policy. |
string |
Response object for collect-diagnostic-bundle.
Name | Description | Schema |
active |
Whether the diagnostic bundle command is active. |
boolean |
commandId |
ID of the diagnostic bundle collection command issued against the CM. Polling get-command-status with this command id returns the current state of the command. |
integer (int64) |
name |
Name of the policy. |
string |
resultMessage |
Diagnostic bundle collection command result message. |
string |
startTime |
Start time of the diagnostic bundle collection command. |
string |
Continue an HBase setup for Classic Cluster source.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
policyId |
The ID of the HBase policy. |
string |
Response object for continueHbaseSetup.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Request object for creating ABFS cloud credentials. Currently supported cloud credentials: ABFS Access Key for Ambari clusters, ABFS Client Secret for CM clusters.
Name | Description | Schema |
accessKey |
ABFS access key. |
string |
clientId |
Client ID of an Active Directory service principal account. |
string |
clientSecretKey |
Client Key of an Active Directory service principal account. |
string |
clusters |
List of cluster CRNs where the credential should be created. |
< string > array |
name |
Name of the credential. |
string |
storageAccountName |
ABFS storage account name. |
string |
tenantId |
Tenant ID of an Active Directory service principal account. |
string |
type |
Type of the credential. Additional required parameters by type: ACCESSKEY: storageAccountName, accessKey; CLIENTKEY: clientId, clientSecretKey, tenantId. Superfluous parameters are ignored. Providing ACCESSKEY will create an ABFS Access Key based account in Ambari. Providing CLIENTKEY will create an Azure Active Directory Service Principal account in Cloudera Manager. ACCESSKEY is only supported on Ambari, while CLIENTKEY is only supported on Cloudera Manager. |
Response object for creating ABFS credentials.
Name | Description | Schema |
errors |
The list of response errors in case of a partial failure while creating the credential. |
< ApiError > array |
Request object for creating AWS IAM or Access & Secret Key cloud credentials.
Name | Description | Schema |
accessKey |
AWS access key. |
string |
clusters |
List of cluster CRNs where the credential should be created. |
< string > array |
name |
Name of the credential. |
string |
secretKey |
AWS secret key. |
string |
type |
Type of the credential. Additional required parameters by type: IAM: none; ACCESSKEY: accessKey, secretKey. Superfluous parameters are ignored. Providing IAM will create an IAM Role-based Authentication account in Cloudera Manager. Providing ACCESSKEY will create an AWS Access Key Authentication account in Cloudera Manager. |
Response object for creating AWS credentials.
Name | Description | Schema |
errors |
The list of response errors in case of a partial failure while creating the credential. |
< ApiError > array |
Create an HBase replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
policyDefinition |
Policy definition. |
policyName |
Name of the new policy. |
string |
Response object for createHbasePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Create a replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster where the policy will be created. |
string |
policyDefinition |
Policy definition. |
policyName |
Name of the new policy. |
string |
Response object for createPolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
requestId |
The ID of the request. Populated only for Ambari backend. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Cloud Credentials listing.
Name | Description | Schema |
credentials |
Cloud credential details. |
< CredentialDetails > array |
results |
Number of cloud credentials in the response. |
integer (int64) |
totalResults |
Total number cloud credentials. |
integer (int64) |
Cloud credential details for by-name or by-id cloud credential request.
Name | Description | Schema |
authType |
Authentication type. |
string |
configs |
Configurations. |
< string, string > map |
creationTime |
Creation time. |
string (date-time) |
customConfigs |
Custom configurations. |
< CustomConfigs > array |
id |
Credential id. |
string |
lastModifiedTime |
Last modified time. |
string (date-time) |
name |
Credential name. |
string |
provider |
Credential provider. |
string |
Response object for cloud credentials.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Cluster CRN. |
string |
clusterUrl |
Cluster URL. |
string |
credentials |
Cloud credentials. |
replicationEngineType |
Replication engine type. |
enum (CM, DLMENGINE) |
Custom key/value configurations.
Name | Description | Schema |
confidential |
Whether the value is confidential. |
boolean |
name |
Name. |
string |
value |
Value. |
string |
Request object for deleting a credential.
Name | Description | Schema |
name |
Name of the cloud credential to delete. |
string |
Response object for delete credential operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
errors |
The list of response errors in case of a partial failure while deleting the credential. |
< ApiError > array |
Request object to delete an HBase replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
force |
Option to force delete an Hbase policy. It should be used if the normal delete fails (e.g. when the source cluster is unreachable). |
boolean |
policyId |
ID of the HBase policy. |
string |
Response object for deleteHbasePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Delete a replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster where the policy is. |
string |
policyName |
Policy name to delete. |
string |
Response object for deletePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
requestId |
The ID of the request. Populated only for Ambari backend. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Request to download the diagnostic bundle for the given cluster and command id.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the target cluster. |
string |
commandId |
The command ID from the response of collect-diagnostic-bundle command. |
string |
Response object for download-diagnostic-bundle. On certain clusters this response will show if the download is only available directly from CM.
Name | Description | Schema |
bundleFile |
Base64 encoded content of the diagnostic bundle zip file. A script like this can be used to save the response as file 'cat response.json | jq -r '.bundleFile' | base64 -D > bundle.zip' |
string (byte) |
An object returned on an error.
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The error code. |
string |
message |
The error message. |
string |
Error handling behavior.
Name | Description | Schema |
abortOnError |
Abort policy on error. |
boolean |
abortOnSnapshotDiffFailures |
Abort policy if there are snapshot diff failures. |
boolean |
skipChecksumChecks |
Skip checksum checks. |
boolean |
skipListingChecksumChecks |
Skip checksum checks for copy-listing. |
boolean |
Request object for getClusterConfig.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for getClusterConfig.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the cluster. |
string |
cmApiVersion |
Cloudera Manager API version. |
integer (int32) |
dmx |
Configuration related to DMX. |
featureSupport |
A map of available features and whether they are supported on the cluster. |
< string, boolean > map |
services |
A list of service configurations. |
< ServiceConfiguration > array |
underlyingFsForHive |
Underlying file system for Hive. |
enum (HDFS, S3, WASB, ABFS, GCS) |
Name | Description | Schema |
hbaseSuspend |
Suspend type for HBase policies. |
Get the current status of any CM command.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the target cluster. |
string |
commandId |
ID of a CM command on the cluster. |
string |
Response object for get command status.
Name | Description | Schema |
active |
Whether the command is still active. |
boolean |
bundleStatus |
The current status of the command. |
bundleStatusMessage |
Further information about the current command status. |
string |
commandId |
Id of the CM command. |
integer (int64) |
endTime |
End time of the CM command. |
string |
name |
Name of the policy. |
string |
resultDataUrl |
Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation. |
string |
resultMessage |
Result message of the command. |
string |
startTime |
Start time of the CM command. |
string |
success |
Whether the diagnostic collection is successful. |
boolean |
Request object to retrieve specific cloud credentials.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster where the credential is. |
string |
credentialId |
Id of the credential. If both name and Id are specified, the Id is considered. |
string |
credentialName |
Name of the credential. If both name and Id are specified, the Id is considered. |
string |
Response for credential request.
Name | Description | Schema |
credentials |
List of credentials. |
< CredentialDetails > array |
HBase CRN pairs.
Name | Description | Schema |
pairedCrns |
The list of CRNs which are peers of each other. |
< string > array |
HBase database replication arguments.
Name | Description | Schema |
replicationStrategy |
Whether to replicate all tables or only the ones where the replication scope has been set. Defaults to ALL_TABLES. |
HBase replication parameters.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudCredential |
Cloud credentials to use to replicate the initial snapshot if the credential location is specified as 'EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT'. |
string |
databaseArguments |
Optional parameters used for HBase database replication. |
tables |
List of tables to be replicated. The key should be in "namespace:tablename" format. If this list is empty, then the whole database will be replicated. |
< string > array |
HBase policy definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Description of the policy. |
string |
distcpMaxMaps |
Maximum Map jobs to use for initial snapshot. |
integer (int64) |
hbasePolicyArguments |
HBase policy arguments. |
initialSnapshot |
If set to true, the current data in the table will be replicated before the HBase replication peer gets enabled. If set to false, only the data changed after the policy creation will be replicated. |
boolean |
machineUser |
Machine user details to use for the replication. If not specified, an internal machine user will be created and synchronized to the required environments. |
queueName |
YARN queue name to use for initial snapshot if not default. |
string |
sourceCluster |
Name of source cluster in the format: "dataCenterName$cluster name", for example "DC-Europe$My Source 42." |
string |
sourceRestartType |
Type of restart for the source cluster. This is only accepted if the source is not a Classic Cluster and the destination has restart-type support. Default is ROLLING_RESTART. |
targetCluster |
Name of destination cluster in the format: "dataCenterName$cluster name", for example "DC-US$My Destination 17". |
string |
targetRestartType |
Type of restart for the destination cluster. This is only accepted if the cluster has restart-type support. Default is ROLLING_RESTART. |
Describes how suspend and resume affects HBase policies on the cluster. 'ALL' means that suspend/resume affects all HBase policies with the same source and destination cluster, while 'POLICY' means that only the selected policy gets suspended/resumed. 'NOT_SUPPORTED' means that this feature is not available on the cluster.
Extra properties for HDFS.
Name | Description | Schema |
alert |
Alerting behavior. |
deletePolicy |
Deletion behavior. |
errorHandling |
Error handling strategy. |
exclusionFilters |
Exclusion filters in glob format. |
< string > array |
logPath |
Job log path. |
string |
mapReduceService |
Name of the mapreduce service. |
string |
path |
HDFS path. Mandatory for HDFS policies, otherwise optional. |
string |
preserve |
Properties to preserve. |
replicationStrategy |
Replication strategy. |
Hive replication arguments.
Name | Description | Schema |
databasesAndTables |
Scope of the replication. |
< HiveDatabaseAndTables > array |
numThreads |
Number of threads to use during replication. |
integer (int64) |
sentryPermissions |
Include or exclude Sentry permissions. |
skipUrlPermissions |
Skip URL permissions. |
boolean |
Hive replication scope.
Name | Description | Schema |
database |
Database to replicate. |
string |
tablesExcludeRegex |
Regex to match excluded tables. |
string |
tablesIncludeRegex |
Regex to match included tables. |
string |
Request object for listing all cloud credentials on all clusters.
Type : object
Response object for list credentials request.
Name | Description | Schema |
credentials |
List of credentials by cluster. |
< CredentialsResponse > array |
unreachableClusters |
List of errors for unreachable clusters. |
< ApiError > array |
Request object to list cluster statuses.
Type : object
Response object for listing of cluster statuses.
Name | Description | Schema |
statuses |
List of statuses by cluster. |
< ClusterServiceStatuses > array |
Request to list clusters.
Type : object
Response object for list clusters request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusters |
List of clusters. |
< Cluster > array |
unreachableClusters |
List of errors for unreachable clusters. |
< ApiError > array |
Request to list all paired HBase cluster CRNs.
Type : object
Response object for listPairedHbaseClusters.
Name | Description | Schema |
crnsMissingHbaseService |
Cluster CRNs where the HBase service was missing and pairing status could not be determined. |
< string > array |
pairings |
The list of CRN pairings. |
< HbaseCrnPairs > array |
unreachableClusters |
The list of errors for unreachable clusters. |
< ApiError > array |
Request object for listing all policies.
Type : object
Response object for a list policies request.
Name | Description | Schema |
policies |
List of policies. |
< Policy > array |
policyErrors |
List of policy errors. |
< ApiError > array |
unreachableClusters |
List of errors for unreachable clusters. |
< ApiError > array |
Location object.
Name | Description | Schema |
city |
City. |
string |
country |
Country. |
string |
id |
Location ID. |
integer (int64) |
latitude |
Latitude. |
number (double) |
longitude |
Longitude. |
number (double) |
Username and password for the machine user.
Name | Description | Schema |
createUser |
This option has no effect if the machine user already exists. Otherwise if 'true', a new machine user is created. If 'false', an error is returned indicating that the user does not exist. |
boolean |
password |
Password. |
string |
user |
Username. |
string |
Replication policy definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
creationTime |
Policy creation time. |
string (date-time) |
customProperties |
Custom replication properties. |
< string, string > map |
description |
Policy description. |
string |
endTime |
End time of policy run or when it repeats. |
string (date-time) |
executionType |
Policy execution type. |
string |
frequency |
Frequency in seconds when the policy runs. |
integer (int64) |
jobs |
List of policy runs. |
< PolicyInstanceResponse > array |
name |
Policy name. |
string |
nextRun |
Next expected run of the policy. |
string |
plugins |
Plugins. |
< string > array |
policyId |
Policy id. |
string |
report |
Policy report. |
sourceCluster |
Source cluster of replication. |
string |
sourceClusterCrn |
CRN of the source cluster. |
string |
sourceDataset |
Source dataset of replication. |
< string > array |
startTime |
Policy start time. |
string (date-time) |
status |
Current status of the policy. |
string |
target |
Replication target details. |
targetCluster |
Target cluster of replication if not cloud. |
string |
targetClusterCrn |
CRN of the target cluster. |
string |
targetDataset |
Target dataset of replication. |
< string > array |
type |
Policy type. |
string |
Policy creation request definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudCredential |
Cloud credentials to use if replicating to Cloud. |
string |
cloudEncryptionAlgorithm |
The type of cloud encryption algorithm. Can be used only for HDP/Ambari managed clusters. Supported values are AES256,SSE-KMS. |
string |
cloudEncryptionKey |
Cloud encryption key. |
string |
cmPolicySubmitUser |
CM policy submit user. |
description |
Description of the policy. |
string |
distcpMapBandwidth |
Maximum bandwidth to use for replication. |
integer (int64) |
distcpMaxMaps |
Maximum Map jobs to use for replication. |
integer (int64) |
enableSnapshotBasedReplication |
Enable snapshot based replication. |
boolean |
endTime |
End time. |
string (date-time) |
frequencyInSec |
Policy’s frequency in seconds. |
integer (int64) |
hiveExternalTableBaseDirectory |
Hive external table base directory. |
string |
name |
Name of the new policy. |
string |
plugins |
Plugins. |
< string > array |
queueName |
YARN queue name if not default. |
string |
sourceCluster |
Name of source cluster in the format: "dataCenterName$cluster name", for example "DC-Europe$My Source 42. |
string |
sourceDataset |
Source dataset to replicate. |
startTime |
Start time. |
string (date-time) |
targetCluster |
Name of destination cluster in the format: "dataCenterName$cluster name", for example "DC-US$My Destination 17". |
string |
targetDataset |
Dataset to replicate to. |
string |
tdeSameKey |
TDE same key. |
boolean |
type |
Policy replication type. |
enum (FS, HIVE, HBASE) |
Policy execution details.
Name | Description | Schema |
completedSteps |
Number of completed steps. |
integer (int32) |
endTime |
Command end time. |
string (date-time) |
id |
Policy instance command id. |
string |
jobType |
Job type. |
string |
message |
Output of the policy command. |
string |
policyId |
Policy id. |
string |
startTime |
Command start time. |
string (date-time) |
status |
Policy command status. |
string |
totalSteps |
Total number of steps. |
integer (int32) |
trackingInfo |
JSON data to track polciy status. |
string |
Policy report.
Name | Description | Schema |
lastFailedInstance |
Last failed instance. |
lastSucceededInstance |
Last successful instance. |
Policy report details.
Name | Description | Schema |
endTime |
End time. |
string (date-time) |
status |
Status of the command. |
string |
Properties to preserve after replication.
Name | Description | Schema |
blockSize |
Block size. |
boolean |
extendedAttributes |
Extended attributes. |
boolean |
permissions |
Permissions. |
boolean |
replicationCount |
Replication count. |
boolean |
Type of restart for a cluster.
Configuration related to a service.
Name | Description | Schema |
configs |
Service configuration map. |
< string, string > map |
name |
The name of the service. |
string |
Service status definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
serviceName |
Service name. |
string |
status |
Service status. |
string |
Extra properties for the source dataset.
Name | Description | Schema |
hdfsArguments |
HDFS arguments for HDFS and Hive replication. |
hiveArguments |
Arguments for Hive replication, null if HDFS replication. |
Suspend an HBase replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
policyId |
ID of the HBase policy. |
string |
Response object for suspendHbasePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Suspend a replication policy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster where the policy is. |
string |
policyName |
Policy name to suspend. |
string |
Response object for suspendPolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
requestId |
The ID of the request. Populated only for Ambari backend. |
string |
status |
The status of the request. |
string |
Target details.
Name | Description | Schema |
environmentCrn |
Target’s environment CRN. |
string |
warehouseCrn |
Target’s warehouse CRN. |
string |
HBase policy update request definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Description of the policy. |
string |
name |
The policy name. |
string |
tables |
List of tables to be replicated. The items should be in "namespace:tablename" format. |
< string > array |
Update HBase replication policy request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the cluster where the policy will be updated. |
string |
policyId |
The ID of the policy to be updated. |
string |
updateHbasePolicyDefinition |
The policy definition. |
Response object for updateHbasePolicy.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the input cluster. |
string |
message |
The detailed description of the action taken. |
string |
requestId |
The ID of the request. Populated only for Ambari backend. |
string |
status |
The status of the request (Successful or an error). |
string |
Verification steps.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterManagerUrl |
The cluster manager URL to reach the cluster’s UI. |
string |
steps |
The list of manual steps to perform or verify. |
< string > array |
Request to verify a cluster pairing for HBase policy creation prerequisites.
Name | Description | Schema |
destinationClusterCrn |
CRN of the destination cluster. |
string |
sourceClusterCrn |
CRN of the source cluster. |
string |
Response object for verifyHbaseClusterPair.
Name | Description | Schema |
afterPolicySteps |
Manual steps to perform after HBase policy creation. |
beforePolicySteps |
Manual steps to perform before HBase policy creation. |
pairedStatus |
Substatus of an active pairing. Indicates if a pairing is resettable or in an erroneous state. |
string |
pairingMessage |
Description of the pairing status. |
string |
pairingStatus |
The current status of pairing. |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
destination |
Steps to perform for the destination cluster. |
source |
Steps to perform for the source cluster. |
summary |
Summary of the steps to perform. |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
destination |
Steps to perform for the destination cluster. |
documentationLink |
Link to the HBase replication manual steps documentation. |
string |
source |
Steps to perform for the source cluster. |
summary |
Summary of the steps to perform. |
string |