Cloudera data lake is a service for launching and managing data lake clusters powered by Cloudera Runtime.
Version information
Version : 0.9.132
License information
License : Apache 2.0
Terms of service : https://www.cloudera.com/legal/commercial-terms-and-conditions.html
URI scheme
Schemes : HTTPS
Create backup of datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/backupDatalake
Takes a backup of all the data in the datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Check the status of a datalake backup operation performed.
POST /api/v1/datalake/backupDatalakeStatus
Identifies the backup operation based on the inputs provided and gets the status. BackupName and BackupId are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be provided.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Cancels the specified ongoing backup operation.
POST /api/v1/datalake/cancelBackup
Cancels a currently running backup operation. The operation must be in a STARTED or IN_PROGRESS state. Pending sub-operations will be ignored and marked as cancelled. The operation does not wait for the currently running sub-operation(s) to complete.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections
POST /api/v1/datalake/cancelDatalakeDiagnostics
Cancel running Datalake diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Cancels the restore that was performed.
POST /api/v1/datalake/cancelRestore
Cancels a currently running restore operation. The operation must be in a STARTED or IN_PROGRESS state.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Start DataLake Cloudera Manager based diagnostics collection
POST /api/v1/datalake/collectCmDiagnostics
Start Datalake Cloudera Manager based diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Start DataLake diagnostics collection
POST /api/v1/datalake/collectDatalakeDiagnostics
Start Datalake diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an AWS datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/createAWSDatalake
Creates an AWS datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates a Data Lake on AWS GovCloud.
POST /api/v1/datalake/createAWSGovCloudDatalake
Creates a Data Lake on AWS GovCloud.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an Azure datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/createAzureDatalake
Creates an Azure datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an GCP Data Lake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/createGCPDatalake
Creates an GCP Data Lake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes a datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/deleteDatalake
Deletes a datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Gets external database server details.
POST /api/v1/datalake/describeDatabaseServer
Gets external database server details for Data Lake by cluster CRN
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Database server details for the requested resource. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes a datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/describeDatalake
Describes a datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get cluster host status.
POST /api/v1/datalake/getClusterHostStatus
Gets the status of the hosts in a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get cluster service status.
POST /api/v1/datalake/getClusterServiceStatus
Gets the status of the services in a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Gather Cloudera Manager roles that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection.
POST /api/v1/datalake/getCmRoles
Gather Cloudera Manager roles that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Gather log descriptors that are used for diagnostics collection.
POST /api/v1/datalake/getDatalakeLogDescriptors
Gather log descriptors that are used for diagnostics collection.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Used for retrieving operation status for the datalake cluster, defaulting to the most recent operation. Provide an operationId to view details of a specific historical operation.
POST /api/v1/datalake/getOperation
Used for retrieving operation status for the datalake cluster, defaulting to the most recent operation. Provide an operationId to view details of a specific historical operation.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List all the backup operations that were performed on the datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/listDatalakeBackups
List all the backup operations that were performed on the datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List recent Datalake diagnostics collections
POST /api/v1/datalake/listDatalakeDiagnostics
List recent Datalake diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists datalakes.
POST /api/v1/datalake/listDatalakes
Lists datalakes.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists the datalake versions.
POST /api/v1/datalake/listRuntimes
Lists the available datalake runtime versions.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Prepares the Data Lake cluster for upgrade.
POST /api/v1/datalake/prepareDatalakeUpgrade
In order to reduce the chance of upgrade failures, we’re introducing a preparation phase for runtime upgrades. During this phase, we’re running all validations and downloading the required parcels for the machines. You can track the progress of the parcel preparation on the Cloudera Manager UI or you can check on the Management Console as well.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Recover data lake to the original version after a failed upgrade.
POST /api/v1/datalake/recoverDatalake
Recover data lake to the original version after a failed upgrade.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid recover data lake request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Renew certificate on Datalake cluster by name or CRN
POST /api/v1/datalake/renewCertificate
Deprecated, please use renew-public-certificate command instead. Renew certificate on Datalake cluster by name or CRN.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Renews public certificate on Datalake cluster by name or CRN.
POST /api/v1/datalake/renewPublicCertificate
Renews public certificate on Datalake cluster by name or CRN.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Repairs a datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/repairDatalake
Repairs a datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Replaces recipes for the given instance groups.
POST /api/v1/datalake/replaceRecipes
Replaces recipes for the given instance groups.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Resizes the given datalake to the given target size.
POST /api/v1/datalake/resizeDatalake
Resizes the datalake to the given size.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid resize datalake request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Restore the datalake from backup taken.
POST /api/v1/datalake/restoreDatalake
Restore the datalake from a backup that was taken. Backup to be used for restore is identified based on the information provided in the restore request. BackupId and BackupName are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be provided. If both are provided, BackupId takes precedence.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Check the status of datalake restore operation.
POST /api/v1/datalake/restoreDatalakeStatus
Identifies the restore operation based on the inputs provided and gets the status. RestoreId and BackupName are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be provided.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Retry last failed operation on a datalake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/retryDatalake
Retry last failed operation on a datalake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotate autotls certificates on the datalake’s hosts
POST /api/v1/datalake/rotateAutoTlsCertificates
Deprecated, please use rotate-private-certificates command instead. Rotate autotls certificates on the datalake’s hosts
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotates database ssl certificate for a specific Data Lake
POST /api/v1/datalake/rotateDbCertificate
Rotates database ssl certificate for a specific Data Lake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotates private certificates on the datalake’s hosts.
POST /api/v1/datalake/rotatePrivateCertificates
Rotates private certificates on the datalake’s hosts.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotate SaltStack user password on DataLake instances.
POST /api/v1/datalake/rotateSaltPassword
Deprecated, please use rotateSecrets with SALT_PASSWORD secretType instead.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Horizontally scale the Data Lake nodes, to add additional compute nodes to the cluster.
POST /api/v1/datalake/scaleHorizontally
Horizontally scale the target host group in the Data Lake cluster. The possible option for the instance group are raz_scale_out, hms_scale_out, kafka_scale_out, solr_scale_out, storage_scale_out
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successful response to a valid Data Lake horizontal scaling request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Sets a catalog for a DataLake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/setCatalog
Sets a catalog for a DataLake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Upgrades the database of the Data Lake cluster.
POST /api/v1/datalake/startDatabaseUpgrade
This command initiates the upgrade of the database of the Data Lake cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Start Datalake
POST /api/v1/datalake/startDatalake
Deprecated, please use 'cdp environments start-environment' instead.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Initiates the vertical scaling on Data Lake.
POST /api/v1/datalake/startDatalakeVerticalScaling
Initiates the vertical scaling on Data Lake. You have the option to specify 'modifyDisks' or 'instanceTemplate' as parameter.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Stop Datalake
POST /api/v1/datalake/stopDatalake
Deprecated, please use 'cdp environments stop-environment' instead.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Syncs component versions from CM after a failed upgrade.
POST /api/v1/datalake/syncComponentVersionsFromCm
Syncs component versions from CM after a failed upgrade.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid sync datahub CM component versions request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Run orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
POST /api/v1/datalake/updateOrchestratorState
Run orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Updates Data Lake AWS cluster to use IMDSv1.
POST /api/v1/datalake/updateToAwsImdsV1
Updates Data Lake AWS cluster to use IMDSv1.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Updates Data Lake AWS cluster to use IMDSv2.
POST /api/v1/datalake/updateToAwsImdsV2
Updates Data Lake AWS cluster to use IMDSv2.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
OS or data platform upgrade for the SDX cluster.
POST /api/v1/datalake/upgradeDatalake
OS or data platform upgrade for the SDX cluster. You have the option to either specify one of 'imageId', 'runtime' or 'lockComponents' or both 'imageId' and 'lockComponents' or none of the parameters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Validates AWS cloud storage.
POST /api/v1/datalake/validateAwsCloudStorage
Validates AWS cloud storage for Data Lake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
AWS cloud storage validation result for Data Lake. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Validates Azure cloud storage.
POST /api/v1/datalake/validateAzureCloudStorage
Validates Azure cloud storage for Data Lake.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Azure cloud storage validation result for Data Lake. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
AWS configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceProfile |
The instance profile used for the ID Broker instance. |
string |
Request object for AWS configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceProfile |
The ARN of an IAM instance profile. |
string |
storageBucketLocation |
The location of the S3 bucket to be used as storage. The location has to start with s3a:// followed by the bucket name. |
string |
Attached volume configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudVolumeUsageType |
Usage for the requested disks. |
numberOfDisks |
Number of disks to add on all the instances in a group. |
integer (int32) |
size |
Size of disks to add on all the instances in a group in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
Type of disks to add on all the instances in a group. |
string |
The state of Cloudera Manager admin operations.
Name | Description | Schema |
dryRunValidation |
Run the dry run validation in the backup/restore precheck |
precheckStoragePermission |
Validate storage permissions before running a backup/restore. |
rangerAuditCollectionValidation |
Run the ranger audit collection validation in the backup precheck. |
startServices |
The status of the start services operation this is triggered after the backup/restore is complete. |
stopServices |
The status of the stop services operation that is triggered before the backup/restore is started. |
The attached volume configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
count |
The number of volumes. |
integer (int32) |
size |
The size of each volume in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
The type of volumes. |
string |
Azure configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
managedIdentity |
The managed identity used for the ID Broker instance. |
string |
Request object for Azure configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
managedIdentity |
The managed identity to use. The assumer should have Virtual Machine Contributor and Managed Identity Operator roles on subscription level. |
string |
storageLocation |
The storage location to use. The location has to be in the following format abfs://filesystem@storage-account-name.dfs.core.windows.net. The filesystem must already exist and the storage account must be StorageV2. |
string |
Request object to perform a backup of datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
backupLocation |
Location where the back-up has to be stored. For example s3a://Location/of/the/backup. |
string |
backupName |
The name of the backup. |
string |
closeDbConnections |
Close the database connections while performing backup. Default is true. |
boolean |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. |
string |
skipAtlasIndexes |
Skips the backup of the Atlas indexes. If this option or –skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, Atlas indexes are backed up by default. Redundant if –skipAtlasMetadata is included. |
boolean |
skipAtlasMetadata |
Skips the backup of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, the Atlas metadata is backed up by default. |
boolean |
skipRangerAudits |
Skips the backup of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, Ranger audits are backed up by default. |
boolean |
skipRangerHmsMetadata |
Skips the backup of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, the HMS/Ranger services are backed up by default. |
boolean |
skipValidation |
Skips the validation steps that run prior to the backup. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default. |
boolean |
validationOnly |
Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the backup is performed as normal by default. |
boolean |
Response object to a request made for backup of datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account where the datalake exists. |
string |
backupId |
Unique identifier for the backup requested. |
string |
backupLocation |
Location of the backup to be used to perform restore. |
string |
backupName |
Name of the backup. |
string |
endTime |
Time when the backup operation ended. |
string |
failureReason |
Reason for the failure. |
string |
internalState |
Provides the details of the internal state where the backup operation stands. |
string |
operationStates |
Provides the details of the internal state of each operation. |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of the datalake when the backup was taken. |
string |
startTime |
Time when the backup operation started. |
string |
status |
Provide the current status. |
string |
userCrn |
Crn of the user who triggered this operation. |
string |
Request object to get the status of datalake backup. Returns the status of the latest backup that matches the provided input.
Name | Description | Schema |
backupId |
Unique identifier of the backup performed. When provided, the status request will get the status entry that has the backupid provided. |
string |
backupName |
The name of the backup. When provided, the status request will get the status of the latest backup performed with the given backup name on the given datalake. |
string |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. When backupName and backupId are not provided, status request will get the status of the latest backup operation performed on the given datalake. |
string |
Response object to get the status of datalake backup status request.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account where the datalake exists. |
string |
backupId |
Unique identifier for the backup requested. |
string |
backupLocation |
Location of the backup to be used to perform restore. |
string |
backupName |
Name of the backup. |
string |
endTime |
Time when the backup operation ended. |
string |
failureReason |
Reason for the failure. |
string |
internalState |
Provides the details of the internal state where the backup operation stands. |
string |
operationStates |
Provides the details of the internal state of each operation. |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of the datalake when the backup was taken. |
string |
startTime |
Time when the backup operation started. |
string |
status |
Provide the current status. |
string |
totalPredictedDurationInMinutes |
Predicted total duration for the backup process, in minutes. |
string |
userCrn |
Crn of the user who triggered this operation. |
string |
Contains the status and failure reason of an operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
durationInMinutes |
The duration of each operation, in minutes. |
string |
failureReason |
The failure reason if the operation was not successful. |
string |
predictedDurationInMinutes |
Predicted duration of the operation, in minutes. |
string |
status |
The status of the backup or restore operation. |
string |
The request to cancel a backup operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
backupId |
Backup-id that identifies the backup to be cancelled. |
string |
force |
Will mark all unfinished operations as cancelled without waiting for their result and mark backup operation as finished (cancelled, successful or failed) immediately. |
boolean |
Response to the cancel backup request.
Name | Description | Schema |
result |
Result of the cancel backup request. It can contain a description of the current process state or guidelines to a customer on the next steps. |
string |
Request object for cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the Datalake cluster. |
string |
Response object for cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections.
Type : object
Details of the restore that has to be cancelled.
Name | Description | Schema |
force |
Mark the operation as cancelled regardless of the progress. |
boolean |
restoreId |
Restore-id that identifies the restore to be cancelled. |
string |
Response to restore invalidation request.
Name | Description | Schema |
result |
Result of the invalidation request. |
string |
Cloudera Manager details.
Name | Description | Schema |
clouderaManagerRepositoryURL |
Cloudera Manager repository URL. |
string |
clouderaManagerServerURL |
Cloudera Manager server URL. |
string |
version |
Cloudera Manager version. |
string |
Request object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
bundleSizeLimit |
Diagnostics bundle size limit in MB. |
integer (int32) |
caseNumber |
Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data. |
string |
crn |
CRN of the Datalake cluster. |
string |
description |
Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes) |
endDate |
Restrict collected logs and metrics (until the provided date timestamp). |
string (date-time) |
monitorMetricsCollection |
Flag to enable collection of metrics for chart display in CM based diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
roles |
Array of roles for which to get logs and metrics. If set, this restricts the roles for log and metrics collection. |
< string > array |
startDate |
Restrict collected logs and metrics (from the provided date timestamp). |
string (date-time) |
storageValidation |
Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs) |
boolean |
updatePackage |
If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation. |
boolean |
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalLogs |
Array of log descriptors that should be additionally collected during diagnostics collection. |
< DatalakeVmLogRequest > array |
caseNumber |
Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data. |
string |
crn |
CRN of the Datalake cluster. |
string |
description |
Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes) |
endDate |
Date timestamp - collect files only for diagnostics that has lower created timestamp value than this. |
string (date-time) |
excludeHosts |
Array of host names (fqdn or IP address), collection will not run on the excluded hosts. |
< string > array |
hostGroups |
Array of host groups, collection will run only on the dedicated hosts that belongs to these host groups. |
< string > array |
hosts |
Array of host names (fqdn), collection will run only on the dedicated hosts. |
< string > array |
includeNginxReport |
Include Nginx report generated by GoAccess (if available). |
boolean |
includeSaltLogs |
Include salt minion/master/api system logs in the diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
includeSarOutput |
Include SAR (System Activity Report) generated outputs in the diagnostics collection (if available). |
boolean |
labels |
Array of labels that can filter logs that are collected during diagnostics collection. |
< string > array |
skipUnresponsiveHosts |
Skip unhealthy hosts from the diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
startDate |
Date timestamp - collect files only for diagnostics that has higher last modified timestamp value than this. |
string (date-time) |
storageValidation |
Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs) |
boolean |
updatePackage |
If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation. |
boolean |
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create AWS datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudProviderConfiguration |
AWS configuration. |
datalakeName |
The datalake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
enableRangerRaz |
Whether to enable Ranger RAZ for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled. |
boolean |
enableRangerRms |
Whether to enable Ranger RMS for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled. |
boolean |
environmentName |
The environment name or CRN. |
string |
image |
The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided. |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
multiAz |
Controls if the datalake is deployed in a multi-availability zone way. |
boolean |
recipes |
Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker'). |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
runtime |
Cloudera Runtime version. |
string |
scale |
The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are "LIGHT_DUTY" or "MEDIUM_DUTY_HA". Defaults to "LIGHT_DUTY" if not set. |
tags |
Tags to be added to Data Lake related resources. |
< DatalakeResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create AWS datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The datalake. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for createing AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudProviderConfiguration |
AWS configuration. |
datalakeName |
The Data Lake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
enableRangerRaz |
Whether to enable Ranger RAZ for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled. |
boolean |
environmentName |
The environment name or CRN. |
string |
image |
The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided. |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
multiAz |
Controls if the datalake is deployed in a multi-availability zone way. |
boolean |
recipes |
Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker'). |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
runtime |
Cloudera Runtime version. |
string |
scale |
The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are "LIGHT_DUTY" or "MEDIUM_DUTY_HA". Defaults to "LIGHT_DUTY" if not set. |
tags |
Tags to be added to Data Lake related resources. |
< DatalakeResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for creating AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The Data Lake. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create Azure datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudProviderConfiguration |
Azure configuration. |
databaseType |
The type of the azure database. FLEXIBLE_SERVER is the next generation managed PostgreSQL service in Azure that provides maximum flexibility over your database, built-in cost-optimizations. SINGLE_SERVER is a fully managed database service with minimal requirements for customizations of the database. |
datalakeName |
The datalake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
enableRangerRaz |
Whether to enable Ranger RAZ for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled. |
boolean |
environmentName |
The environment name or CRN. |
string |
flexibleServerDelegatedSubnetId |
This argument allows you to specify the subnet ID for the subnet within which you want to configure your Azure Flexible Server. |
string |
image |
The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided. |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
loadBalancerSku |
The SKU for the datalake load balancer. Allowed values are "BASIC", "STANDARD", or "NONE". |
multiAz |
Creates CDP datalake distributed across multiple availability zones in an Azure region. |
boolean |
recipes |
Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker'). |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
runtime |
Cloudera Runtime version. |
string |
scale |
The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are "LIGHT_DUTY" or "MEDIUM_DUTY_HA". Defaults to "LIGHT_DUTY" if not set. |
tags |
Tags to be added to Data Lake related resources. |
< DatalakeResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create Azure datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The datalake. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create GCP Data Lake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudProviderConfiguration |
GCP configuration. |
datalakeName |
The datalake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
environmentName |
The environment name or CRN. |
string |
image |
The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided. |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
recipes |
Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker'). |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
runtime |
Cloudera Runtime version. |
string |
scale |
The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are "LIGHT_DUTY" or "MEDIUM_DUTY_HA". Defaults to "LIGHT_DUTY" if not set. |
tags |
Tags that can be attached to GCP Data Lake resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources#label_format. |
< DatalakeResourceGCPTagRequest > array |
Response object for create GCP Data Lake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The datalake. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for modified database storage properties.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceType |
The modified instance type. |
string |
storageSize |
The modified storage size for the database. |
integer (int32) |
Request object for modified instance disk.
Name | Description | Schema |
diskSize |
The modified disk size |
integer (int32) |
name |
The name of the modified instance. |
string |
Request object for modified instance type.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceType |
The modified instance type |
string |
name |
The name of the modified instance. |
string |
The state of the database backup/restore operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
database |
The status of the database backup/restore. |
SSL configuration for the database server
Name | Description | Schema |
sslCertificateType |
SSL certificate type |
sslCertificates |
Set of SSL certificates for the actual database server |
< string > array |
sslMode |
SSL enforcement mode for the actual database server |
Information about a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
certificateExpirationState |
Indicates the certificate status on the cluster. |
creationDate |
The date when the datalake was created. |
string (date-time) |
crn |
The CRN of the datalake. |
string |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. |
string |
enableRangerRaz |
Whether Ranger RAZ is enabled for the datalake. |
boolean |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
multiAz |
Flag which marks that the datalake is deployed in a multi-availability zone way or not. |
boolean |
status |
The status of the datalake. |
string |
statusReason |
The reason for the status of the datalake. |
string |
tags |
Datalake tags object containing the tag values defined for the datalake. |
< DatalakeResourceTag > array |
Backup object with details of backup performed.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account where the datalake exists. |
string |
backupId |
Request to perform a from a specific status for a specific backup. Else, status of the last backup performed will be returned. |
string |
backupLocation |
Location of the backup to be used to perform restore. |
string |
backupName |
Name of the backup. |
string |
endTime |
Time when the backup operation ended. |
string |
failureReason |
Reason for the failure. |
string |
internalState |
Provides the details of the internal state where the backup operation stands. |
string |
startTime |
Time when the backup operation started. |
string |
status |
Provide the current status. |
string |
userCrn |
Crn of the user who triggered this operation. |
string |
Details about a datalake
Name | Description | Schema |
awsConfiguration |
The AWS configuration. |
azureConfiguration |
The Azure configuration. |
cloudPlatform |
The cloud platform. |
string |
cloudStorageBaseLocation |
The base location for the cloud storage used for the datalake. |
string |
clouderaManager |
The Cloudera Manager details. |
creationDate |
The date when the datalake was created. |
string (date-time) |
credentialCrn |
The CRN of credentials. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the datalake. |
string |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. |
string |
enableRangerRaz |
Whether Ranger RAZ is enabled for the datalake. |
boolean |
endpoints |
The exposed service api endpoints. |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
gcpConfiguration |
The GCP configuration. |
instanceGroups |
The instance details. |
< InstanceGroup > array |
productVersions |
The product versions. |
< ProductVersion > array |
region |
The region of the datalake. |
string |
shape |
The shape of the datalake (either LIGHT_DUTY or MEDIUM_DUTY_HA). |
status |
The status of the datalake. |
string |
statusReason |
The reason for the status of the datalake. |
string |
tags |
Datalake tags object containing the tag values defined for the datalake. |
< DatalakeResourceTag > array |
Response object for diagnostic collection collection details.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account Id that was used for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
case |
Case number for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
clusterVersion |
Version of the cluster that was used for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
description |
Description of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination type of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
output |
Output destination of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
resourceCrn |
Crn of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.
Name | Description | Schema |
collectionDetails |
Additional details about the diagnostics collection. |
created |
Creation date of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string (date-time) |
flowId |
Flow ID of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string |
flowState |
Current state of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string |
progressPercentage |
Progress percentage of the diagnostics collection flow (maximum value if finished). |
integer (int32) |
status |
Status of the diagnostics collection flow. |
The status of the instance.
The type of the instance.
Represents the Azure load balancer SKU type. The current default is BASIC. To disable the load balancer, use type NONE.
A label that can be attached to GCP Data Lake resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources#label_format.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Tag for a datalake resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Tag for a datalake resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Represents the available datalake scales. Defaults to LIGHT_DUTY if not set.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair. Used for diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
label |
Label that will be used to identify a log descriptor. (will be used as a folder inside logs folder) |
string |
path |
Path of the log file(s) that needs to be collected. (Can be glob wildcard) |
string |
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair. Used for diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
label |
Label that will be used to identify a log descriptor. (will be used as a folder inside logs folder) |
string |
path |
Path of the log file(s) that needs to be collected. (Can be glob wildcard) |
string |
Request object for delete datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake to be deleted. |
string |
force |
Whether the datalake should be force deleted. This option can be used when cluster deletion fails. This removes the entry from Cloudera Datalake service. Any lingering resources have to be deleted from the cloud provider manually. The default is false. |
boolean |
Response object for delete datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for obtaining Database Server details.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Stack CRN of the Data Lake |
string |
Response object for obtaining Database Server details.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
CRN of the cluster of the database server |
string |
creationDate |
Creation date of the database server |
string (date-time) |
crn |
CRN of the database server |
string |
databaseVendor |
Name of the database vendor (MYSQL, POSTGRES, …) |
string |
databaseVendorDisplayName |
Display name of the database vendor (MySQL, PostgreSQL, …) |
string |
description |
Description of the database server |
string |
environmentCrn |
CRN of the environment of the database server |
string |
host |
Host of the database server |
string |
name |
Name of the database server |
string |
port |
Port of the database server |
integer (int32) |
resourceStatus |
Ownership status of the database server |
sslConfig |
SSL configuration of the database server |
status |
Status of the database server stack |
statusReason |
Additional status information about the database server stack |
string |
Request object for describe datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object for describe datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The datalake. |
Attached disk configuration(s).
Name | Description | Schema |
addDisks |
Adds the requested number of disks of the requested type, size, and usage type. |
modifyDisks |
Modifies all the disks attached to all instances in a group. |
Object which holds the exposed endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
displayName |
The more consumable name of the exposed service. |
string |
knoxService |
The related knox entry. |
string |
mode |
The SSO mode of the given service. |
string |
open |
The access status of the given endpoint. Whether its open or not. |
boolean |
serviceName |
The name of the exposed service |
string |
serviceUrl |
The server url for the given exposed service’s API. |
string |
Object which holds the exposed endpoints for the given cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
endpoints |
The exposed API endpoints. |
< Endpoint > array |
An object returned on an error.
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The error code. |
string |
message |
The error message. |
string |
GCP configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
serviceAccountEmail |
The email id of the service account used for the ID Broker instance. |
string |
Request object for GCP configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
serviceAccountEmail |
Email id of the service account to be associated with the datalake IdBroker instance. This service account should have "token.creator" role for one or more storage accounts that has access to storage. |
string |
storageLocation |
The location of the GCS bucket to be used as storage. The location has to start with gs:// followed by the bucket name. |
string |
Request object to get host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for getting host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
hosts |
The cluster hosts status. |
< HostStatus > array |
Request object to get service status.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object to get service status.
Name | Description | Schema |
services |
The cluster services health. |
< ServiceStatus > array |
Request object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles. (that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection)
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the Datalake cluster. |
string |
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles. (that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection)
Name | Description | Schema |
roles |
Array of CM roles. (useful for CM based diagnostics collection filtering) |
< string > array |
Request object for obtaining log descriptors. (that are used for diagnostics collection)
Type : object
Response object for obtaining log descriptors. (useful for diagnostics collection filtering)
Name | Description | Schema |
logs |
Array of log descriptors. (useful for diagnostics collection filtering) |
< DatalakeVmLogResponse > array |
Request object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the datalake resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the datalake resource. |
string |
operationId |
Filter by operation id. |
string |
Response object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the datalake resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
ended |
End time of the operation. |
string (date-time) |
operationId |
Identifier of the operation. |
string |
operationName |
Name of the operation. |
string |
operationStatus |
Status of the operation. |
started |
Start time of the operation. |
string (date-time) |
The state of each HBase backup/restore operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
atlasEntityAuditEventTable |
The status of the ATLAS_ENTITY_AUDIT_EVENTS_TABLE backup/restore. |
atlasJanusTable |
The status of the ATLAS_JANUS_TABLE backup/restore. |
The result of a health check.
Name | Description | Schema |
name |
The name of service health check. |
string |
summary |
The service health check summary. |
string |
Information about cluster host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
healthSummary |
The host health summary. |
string |
hostid |
Unique identifier of the cluster host given by Cloudera Manager. |
string |
hostname |
The cluster hostname. |
string |
Versions of the image components
Name | Description | Schema |
cdp |
CDP version |
string |
cdpGBN |
string |
cm |
Version of CM |
string |
cmGBN |
GBN of CM |
string |
os |
OS name |
string |
osPatchLevel |
OS patch level |
string |
Basic information about an image.
Name | Description | Schema |
componentVersions |
Version of the image components |
created |
Image creation timestamp |
integer (int64) |
imageCatalogName |
Name of the image catalog, the image is from. |
string |
imageId |
The id of the image. |
string |
imageName |
The name of the image. |
string |
The image request for the datalake. When the 'runtime' parameter is set, only the 'os' parameter can be provided. Otherwise, you can use 'catalog name' and/or 'id' for selecting an image.
Name | Description | Schema |
catalogName |
The name of the custom image catalog to use, defaulting to 'cdp-default' if not present. |
string |
id |
The image ID from the catalog. The corresponding image will be used for the created cluster machines. |
string |
os |
The OS of the image used for cluster instances. |
string |
Object which holds some details of an instance for the given cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedVolumes |
List of volumes attached to this instance. |
< AttachedVolumeDetail > array |
availabilityZone |
The availability zone of the instance. |
string |
clouderaManagerServer |
Whether the instance has Cloudera Manager deployed or not. |
boolean |
discoveryFQDN |
The FQDN of the instance. |
string |
id |
The ID of the given instance. |
string |
instanceGroup |
The name of the instance group this instance belongs to. |
string |
instanceStatus |
The status of the instance. |
instanceTypeVal |
The instance type. |
instanceVmType |
The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform. |
string |
privateIp |
The private IP of the given instance. |
string |
publicIp |
The public IP of the given instance. |
string |
rackId |
The rack ID of the instance in Cloudera Manager. |
string |
sshPort |
The SSH port for the instance. |
integer (int32) |
state |
The actual state of the instance. |
string |
statusReason |
The reason for the current status of this instance. |
string |
subnetId |
The subnet ID of the instance. |
string |
The type of the instance group which also contains the actual instance(s)
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZones |
List of availability zones that this instance group is associated with. |
< string > array |
instances |
List of instances in this instance group. |
< Instance > array |
name |
The name of the instance group. |
string |
recipes |
The recipe names for the Datalake cluster. |
< string > array |
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) request.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceGroupName |
A valid instance/host group name. This name must be unique. |
string |
recipeNames |
Names of the recipes (empty is valid). |
< string > array |
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceGroupName |
A valid instance/host group name. This name must be unique. |
string |
recipeNames |
Names of the recipes (empty is valid). |
< string > array |
Instance template that specifies the core information for the vertical scale.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceType |
The type of the instance. |
string |
Object representing the state of each service running a backup.
Name | Description | Schema |
adminOperations |
Admin operations executed via Cloudera Manager for starting and stopping services. |
database |
Postgres operations to backup or restore the data lake metadata. |
hbase |
Hbase operations to backup or restore Atlas metadata tables. |
solr |
Solr operations to backup up the edge, fulltext, ranger_audit, and vertex tables, or to delete/restore those tables. |
Request object to get the list of backup operations performed on a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. |
string |
Response object with the list of backup operations performed on a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
backups |
Backup object with details of backup performed. |
< DatalakeBackup > array |
Request object for listing recent Datalake diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the Datalake cluster. |
string |
Response object for listing recent Datalake diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
collections |
description. |
< DatalakeDiagnosticsCollectionResponse > array |
Request object for list datalakes request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake for which details are requested. |
string |
environmentName |
The name or CRN of the environment for which the datalakes will be listed. |
string |
Response object for list datalakes request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakes |
The datalakes. |
< Datalake > array |
Request object for list datalake runtime versions.
Type : object
Response object for list datalake runtime versions.
Name | Description | Schema |
versions |
The list of datalake runtime versions. |
< Runtime > array |
Attached volume configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
size |
Size of disks to modify to on all the instances in a group in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
Type of disks to modify to on all the instances in a group. |
string |
Request object to prepare Data Lake upgrade. This command indicates the upgrade preparation for a specific image or a selected runtime version. Important to note that the imageId or the runtime parameter must be present in the request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the Data Lake cluster. |
string |
imageId |
The ID of an image to upgrade to |
string |
runtime |
The runtime version to upgrade to |
string |
Response object for prepare Data Lake upgrade request.
Name | Description | Schema |
current |
Information about the current image |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
reason |
The reason why upgrade is not possible |
string |
upgradeCandidates |
List of images and components to upgrade to |
< ImageInfo > array |
Product version.
Name | Description | Schema |
name |
The name of the product. |
string |
version |
The version of the product. |
string |
Datalake recover request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
recoveryType |
The type of the recovery. The default value is RECOVER_WITHOUT_DATA. The recovery always runs with RECOVER_WITH_DATA if the on resize failure. |
Datalake recover response.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for renew datalake certificate request, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to renew the public certificate for Datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object for renew public certificate request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for repair datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
instanceGroupName |
The instance group where the failed instances will be repaired. |
string |
instanceGroupNames |
List of instance groups where the failed instances will be repaired. |
< string > array |
instances |
List of instances. |
Response object for repair datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Details for repair instances.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceIds |
List of instance ids. |
< string > array |
The request for replacing recipes.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
instanceGroupRecipes |
The list of instance group and recipe name pairs. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
The response for replacing recipes.
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedRecipes |
The list of recipes, which will be attached to the cluster. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeResponse > array |
detachedRecipes |
The list of recipes, which will be detached from the cluster. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeResponse > array |
Datalake resize request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customDatabaseComputeStorage |
Any custom database properties to override defaults. |
customInstanceDisks |
Any custom instance disk size to override defaults. |
< CustomInstanceDisk > array |
customInstanceTypes |
Any custom instance type to override defaults. |
< CustomInstanceType > array |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
multiAz |
Whether to deploy a new datalake in a multi-availability zone way. |
boolean |
skipValidation |
Skips the validation steps that run prior to the resize. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default. If skip-validation and validation-only are used together an error is thrown. |
boolean |
targetSize |
The target size for the datalake. The resize target size can be MEDIUM_DUTY or ENTERPRISE. If the runtime version >= 7.2.17 target size is ENTERPRISE. If not, the target size is MEDIUM_DUTY. |
validationOnly |
Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the resize is performed as normal by default. If skip-validation and validation-only are used together an error is thrown. |
boolean |
Datalake resize response.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudbreakVersion |
The Cloudbreak version used to create the data lake. |
string |
datalakeCrn |
The CRN of the datalake. This will remain the same for the datalake created by the resize process. |
string |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. This will remain the same for the datalake created by the resize process. |
string |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment the datalake is attached to. This will remain the same for the datalake created by the resize process. |
string |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
runtime |
The runtime of the datalake. This will remain the same for the datalake created by the resize process. |
string |
status |
The current status of the datalake. |
string |
statusReason |
The reason for the current status of the datalake. |
string |
tags |
Datalake tags object containing the tag values defined for the datalake. |
< DatalakeResourceTag > array |
Request to restore datalake from backup. Restore does not restore the database by default.
Name | Description | Schema |
backupId |
The ID of the backup to be used to perform a restore. The ID could refer to backup of any datalake in the same account. This is the only way to restore from a backup that was taken on a datalake with a different name. This field is required if the –backup-location-override field is used. |
string |
backupLocationOverride |
Backup location. When provided, will be used to lookup the backup. If provided, the –backup-id parameter is required. |
string |
backupName |
The name of the backup. When provided, the restore will be performed using the latest successful backup whose name matches the parameter, and that was taken from the datalake that is being restored. |
string |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake to be restored. When backupId is not provided, the most recent successful backup on datalake with the provided name would be used. |
string |
includeDatabase |
DEPRECATED - The database is included in the restore by default. To skip it, use the –skip-ranger-hms-metadata flag. |
boolean |
skipAtlasIndexes |
Skips the restore of the Atlas indexes. If this option or –skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, then by default the Atlas indexes will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas indexes. Redundant if –skipAtlasMetadata is included. |
boolean |
skipAtlasMetadata |
Skips the restore of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas metadata will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas metadata. |
boolean |
skipRangerAudits |
Skips the restore of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, then by default the Ranger audits will be restored if the backup used includes the Ranger audits. |
boolean |
skipRangerHmsMetadata |
Skips the restore of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas lineage will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas lineage information. |
boolean |
skipValidation |
Skips the validation steps that run prior to the restore. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default. |
boolean |
validationOnly |
Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the restore is performed as normal by default. |
boolean |
Response object to a request to perform restore of datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account where the datalake exists. |
string |
backupId |
Unique identifier of the backup used to perform restore. |
string |
backupLocation |
Location of the backup to be used to perform restore. |
string |
backupName |
Name of the backup. |
string |
endTime |
Time when the backup operation ended. |
string |
failureReason |
Reason for the failure. |
string |
internalState |
Provides the details of the internal state where the restore operation stands. |
string |
operationStates |
Provides the details of the internal state of each operation. |
restoreId |
Unique identifier of the restore operation performed. |
string |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of the datalake when the restore was initiated. |
string |
startTime |
Time when the backup operation started. |
string |
status |
Provide the current status. |
string |
userCrn |
Crn of the user who triggered this operation. |
string |
Request object to get the status of a restore operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name of the Data Lake for which the most recent restore status will be retrieved. |
string |
restoreId |
Unique identifier of the restore operation performed. |
string |
Response object with information on last restore operation on a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account where the datalake exists. |
string |
backupId |
Unique identifier of the backup used to perform restore. |
string |
backupLocation |
Location of the backup to be used to perform restore. |
string |
backupName |
Name of the backup. |
string |
endTime |
Time when the backup operation ended. |
string |
failureReason |
Reason for the failure. |
string |
internalState |
Provides the details of the internal state where the restore operation stands. |
string |
operationStates |
Provides the details of the internal state of each operation. |
restoreId |
Unique identifier of the restore operation performed. |
string |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of the datalake when the restore was initiated. |
string |
startTime |
Time when the backup operation started. |
string |
status |
Provide the current status. |
string |
userCrn |
Crn of the user who triggered this operation. |
string |
Request object for retry datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake to be retry on. |
string |
Response object for retry datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to rotate autotls certificates on datalake’s hosts, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datalake’s hosts, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to rotate ssl certificate a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to rotate private certificates on datalake’s hosts.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object to rotate private certificates on datalake’s hosts.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on DataLake instances (Deprecated).
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on DataLake instances (Deprecated).
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
An advertised datalake runtime version.
Name | Description | Schema |
defaultRuntimeVersion |
Whether it is a default runtime version or not. |
boolean |
runtimeVersion |
The actual version number. |
string |
Data Lake horizontal scaling request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name of the Data Lake |
string |
instanceGroupDesiredCount |
The target number of the scaling operation. If the desired count is less than the actual node count the scaling action will be a downscale operation. |
integer (int32) |
instanceGroupName |
The target host group name to be scaled. |
enum (solr_scale_out, hms_scale_out, raz_scale_out, kafka_scale_out, storage_scale_out) |
Data Lake horizontal scaling response
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name of the datalake. |
string |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Information about a cluster service.
Name | Description | Schema |
healthChecks |
The service health checks. |
< HealthCheck > array |
healthSummary |
The service health summary. |
string |
state |
The service state. |
string |
type |
The service type. |
string |
The request object to set catalog for a DataLake.
Name | Description | Schema |
catalogName |
The name of the catalog to be used. |
string |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the affected DataLake. |
string |
The response object to set catalog for a DataLake request.
Type : object
The state of each Solr backup/restore operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
edgeIndexCollection |
The status of the EDGE_INDEX_COLLECTION backup/restore. |
edgeIndexCollectionDelete |
The status of the EDGE_INDEX_COLLECTION deletion, which is done before a restore. |
fulltextIndexCollection |
The status of the FULLTEXT_INDEX_COLLECTION backup/restore. |
fulltextIndexCollectionDelete |
The status of the FULLTEXT_INDEX_COLLECTION deletion, which is done before a restore. |
rangerAuditsCollection |
The status of the RANGER_AUDITS_COLLECTION backup/restore. |
rangerAuditsCollectionDelete |
The status of the RANGER_AUDITS_COLLECTION deletion, which is done before a restore. |
vertexIndexCollection |
The status of the VERTEX_INDEX_COLLECTION backup/restore. |
vertexIndexCollectionDelete |
The status of the VERTEX_INDEX_COLLECTION deletion, which is done before a restore. |
Request object for Data Lake database upgrade.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the Data Lake. |
string |
force |
Start the database upgrade flow even if the source and target versions are the same. Can be used to reinitiate an upgrade after a failure. |
boolean |
targetVersion |
The database engine major version to upgrade to. |
enum (VERSION_11, VERSION_14) |
Response object to Data Lake database upgrade.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
targetVersion |
The database engine major version to upgrade to. |
string |
Request object to start a datalake, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Response object of starting a datalake, deprecated.
Type : object
The request object for Data Lake vertical scaling.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalake |
The name or CRN of the Data Lake. |
string |
diskOptions |
Disk options for vertical scaling - modify disks. |
group |
The target group that requested vertical scaling. |
string |
instanceTemplate |
Instance template that specifies the core information for the vertical scale. |
The response object for Data Lake vertical scaling.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
result |
The result of the operation. |
string |
Request object to stop a datalake, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalakeName. |
string |
Response object of stopping a datalake, deprecated.
Type : object
Datalake sync CM component versions request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
Datalake sync CM component versions response.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the Data Lake cluster. |
string |
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for updating Data Lake to use AWS IMDSv1.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The CRN of the Data Lake. |
string |
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv1.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for updating Data Lake to use AWS IMDSv2.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The CRN of the Data Lake. |
string |
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv2.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to upgrade datalake.
Name | Description | Schema |
datalakeName |
The name or CRN of the datalake. |
string |
dryRun |
Checks the eligibility of an image to upgrade |
boolean |
imageId |
The id of an image to upgrade to |
string |
lockComponents |
Perform an os upgrade only |
boolean |
rollingUpgradeEnabled |
Enables the ability to perform rolling runtime upgrade. |
boolean |
runtime |
The runtime version to upgrade to |
string |
showAvailableImages |
Returns the list of images that are eligible for the upgrade |
boolean |
showLatestAvailableImagePerRuntime |
Returns the latest image that is eligible for the upgrade for each runtime version with at least one available upgrade candidate |
boolean |
skipAtlasMetadata |
Skips the backup of the Atlas metadata. Redundant if –skip-backup is included. If this option is not provided, the Atlas metadata is backed up by default. |
boolean |
skipBackup |
If provided, will skip the backup flow for the upgrade process. |
boolean |
skipBackupValidation |
Skips the validation steps that run prior to the backup. Redundant if –skip-backup is included. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default. |
boolean |
skipRangerAudits |
Skips the backup of the Ranger audits. Redundant if –skip-backup is included. If this option is not provided, Ranger audits are backed up by default. |
boolean |
skipRangerHmsMetadata |
Skips the backup of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. Redundant if –skip-backup is included. If this option is not provided, the HMS/Ranger services are backed up by default. |
boolean |
Response object for upgrade datalake request.
Name | Description | Schema |
current |
Information about the current image |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
reason |
The reason why upgrade is not possible |
string |
upgradeCandidates |
List of images and components to upgrade to |
< ImageInfo > array |
Request object for AWS cloud storage validation.
Name | Description | Schema |
blueprintName |
Name of the blueprint. |
string |
clusterName |
Datalake cluster name. |
string |
credentialCrn |
Credential CRN. |
string |
dataAccessRole |
Data access role. |
string |
instanceProfile |
AWS instance profile. |
string |
rangerAuditRole |
Ranger audit role. |
string |
rangerCloudAccessAuthorizerRole |
Ranger RAZ role. |
string |
storageLocation |
AWS S3 storage bucket base location. |
string |
AWS cloud storage validation response.
Name | Description | Schema |
error |
Error message if validation failed. |
string |
status |
Validation result. Allowed values are "OK", "ACCESS_DENIED", "ERROR", "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND". |
string |
Request object for Azure cloud storage validation.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountKey |
Azure account key. |
string |
accountName |
Azure account name. |
string |
blueprintName |
Name of the blueprint. |
string |
clusterName |
Datalake cluster name. |
string |
credentialCrn |
Credential CRN. |
string |
dataAccessRole |
Data access role. |
string |
managedIdentity |
Azure managed identity. |
string |
rangerAuditRole |
Ranger audit role. |
string |
rangerCloudAccessAuthorizerRole |
Ranger RAZ role. |
string |
secure |
Azure secure flag. |
boolean |
storageLocation |
Azure storage base location. |
string |
Azure cloud storage validation response.
Name | Description | Schema |
error |
Error message if validation failed. |
string |
status |
Validation result. Allowed values are "OK", "ACCESS_DENIED", "ERROR", "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND". |
string |