Cloudera data hub is a service for launching and managing workload clusters powered by Cloudera Runtime.
Version information
Version : 0.9.132
License information
License : Apache 2.0
Terms of service : https://www.cloudera.com/legal/commercial-terms-and-conditions.html
URI scheme
Schemes : HTTPS
Cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections
POST /api/v1/datahub/cancelDatahubDiagnostics
Cancel running Datahub diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Start Datahub Cloudera Manager based diagnostics collection
POST /api/v1/datahub/collectCmDiagnostics
Start Datahub Cloudera Manager based diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Start DataHub diagnostics collection
POST /api/v1/datahub/collectDatahubDiagnostics
Start DataHub diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an AWS workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createAWSCluster
Creates an AWS workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an AWS Data Hub cluster for GovCloud.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createAWSGovCloudCluster
Creates an AWS Data Hub cluster for GovCloud.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Create Auto Scaling rules for a DataHub cluster
POST /api/v1/datahub/createAutoScaleRules
Create Auto Scaling rules for a DataHub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates an Azure workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createAzureCluster
Creates an Azure workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates a cluster definition. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createClusterDefinition
Creates a cluster definition. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates a cluster template. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createClusterTemplate
Creates a cluster template. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createCustomConfigurations
Creates custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates a GCP workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createGCPCluster
Creates a GCP workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates recipe. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
POST /api/v1/datahub/createRecipe
Creates recipe. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Delete AutoScaling policies for a DataHub cluster
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteAutoScaleRules
Delete AutoScaling policies for a DataHub cluster
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The AutoScale policy before deletion. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes a workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteCluster
Deletes a workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes cluster definitions. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteClusterDefinitions
Deletes cluster definitions. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes cluster templates. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteClusterTemplates
Deletes cluster templates. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteCustomConfigurations
Deletes custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes instances for the specified cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteInstances
Deletes instances for the specified cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes recipes. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
POST /api/v1/datahub/deleteRecipes
Deletes recipes. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describe the AutoScaling policies for a DataHub cluster
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeAutoScaleRules
Describe the AutoScaling policies for a DataHub cluster
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The AutoScaling policy for the request cluster. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes a workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeCluster
Describes a workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes a cluster definition. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeClusterDefinition
Describes a cluster definition. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes a cluster template. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeClusterTemplate
Describes a cluster template. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeCustomConfigurations
Describes custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes recipe. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeRecipe
Describes recipe. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes the Scaling Activity using Cluster CRN or Cluster NAME and operation ID.
POST /api/v1/datahub/describeScalingActivity
Describes the Scaling Activity using Cluster CRN or Cluster NAME and operation ID.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get cluster host status.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getClusterHostStatus
Gets the status of the hosts in a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get cluster service status.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getClusterServiceStatus
Gets the status of the services in a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Gather Cloudera Manager roles that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getCmRoles
Gather Cloudera Manager roles that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Gather log descriptors that are used for diagnostics collection.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getDatahubLogDescriptors
Gather log descriptors that are used for diagnostics collection.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Get the latest (in progress or finished) operation for the datahub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getOperation
Get the latest (in progress or finished) operation for the datahub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates a recommendation that advises virtual machine types for the given cluster template based on the given properties.
POST /api/v1/datahub/getVmTypes
Creates a recommendation that advises virtual machine types for the given cluster template based on the given properties.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List AutoScale history activity for a DataHub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listAutoScaleHistory
List AutoScale history activity for a DataHub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
AutoScale activity for a DataHub cluster. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists cluster definitions. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listClusterDefinitions
Lists cluster definitions. A cluster definition is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical cloud provider settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists Workload cluster lifecycle events.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listClusterLifecycleEvents
Lists Workload cluster lifecycle events.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists cluster templates. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listClusterTemplates
Lists cluster templates. A cluster template is a reusable template in JSON format that can be used for creating multiple Data Hub clusters with identical Cloudera Runtime settings.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists workload clusters.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listClusters
Lists workload clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listCustomConfigurations
Lists custom configurations. Custom Configurations are sets of properties or name-value pairs that belong to any of the services present in cluster templates. These can be used to override and/or append properties to the corresponding cluster template while launching DataHub clusters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List recent Datahub diagnostics collections
POST /api/v1/datahub/listDatahubDiagnostics
List recent Datahub diagnostics collection
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists recipes. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listRecipes
Lists recipes. A recipe is a script that runs on all nodes of a specified instance group.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists Scaling activities for a cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/listScalingActivities
Lists Scaling activities for a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Running upgrade related validations and prepares the required parcels for the upgrade.
POST /api/v1/datahub/prepareClusterUpgrade
In order to reduce the chance of upgrade failures, we’re introducing a preparation phase for runtime upgrades. During this phase, we’re running all validations and downloading the required parcels for the machines. You can track the progress of the parcel preparation on the Cloudera Manager UI or you can check on the Management Console as well.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Renew certificate on datahub cluster by name or CRN
POST /api/v1/datahub/renewCertificate
Deprecated, please use renew-public-certificate command instead. Renew certificate on datahub cluster by name or CRN
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Renews public certificate on a Datahub cluster by name or CRN.
POST /api/v1/datahub/renewPublicCertificate
Renews public certificate on a Datahub cluster by name or CRN.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Repairs a cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/repairCluster
Repairs a cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Replaces recipes for the given instance groups.
POST /api/v1/datahub/replaceRecipes
Replaces recipes for the given instance groups.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Retries creation of a failed workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/retryCluster
When stack provisioning or cluster creation fails, retryCluster allows you to resume the process from the last failed step.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotate autotls certificates on the datahub’s hosts
POST /api/v1/datahub/rotateAutoTlsCertificates
Deprecated, please use rotate-private-certificates command instead. Rotate autotls certificates on the datahub’s hosts
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotates database ssl certificate for a specific Data Hub
POST /api/v1/datahub/rotateDbCertificate
Rotates database ssl certificate for a specific Data Hub
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotates private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
POST /api/v1/datahub/rotatePrivateCertificates
Rotates private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Rotate SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances.
POST /api/v1/datahub/rotateSaltPassword
Deprecated, please use rotateSecrets with SALT_PASSWORD secretType instead.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Scales a cluster by adding or removing cluster nodes.
POST /api/v1/datahub/scaleCluster
Scales a cluster by adding or removing cluster nodes.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Sets a catalog for a DataHub.
POST /api/v1/datahub/setCatalog
Sets a catalog for a DataHub.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Starts a stopped workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/startCluster
Starts a stopped workload cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Initiates the vertical scaling on Data Hub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/startClusterVerticalScaling
Initiates the vertical scaling on Data Hub cluster. You have the option to either specify one of 'modifyDisks' or 'instanceTemplate' as parameter.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Upgrades the database of the Data Hub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/startDatabaseUpgrade
This command initiates the upgrade of the database of the Data Hub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Starts instances of a particular host group in the Data Hub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/startInstances
Starts instances of a particular host group in the Data Hub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Stops a workload cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/stopCluster
Stops a workload cluster. When a cluster is put in the stopped state, cluster VMs are given back to the cloud provider. To provision new VMs, start the cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Stops instances of particular host group in the Data Hub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/stopInstances
Stops instances of a particular host group in the Data Hub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid stop instances request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Synchronizes the state of a cluster with the cloud provider and Cloudera Manager.
POST /api/v1/datahub/syncCluster
Synchronizes the state of a cluster with the cloud provider and Cloudera Manager.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Syncs component versions from CM after a failed upgrade.
POST /api/v1/datahub/syncComponentVersionsFromCm
Syncs component versions from CM after a failed upgrade.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid sync datahub CM component versions request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Modify AutoScaling for a DataHub cluster
POST /api/v1/datahub/updateAutoScaleRules
Modify AutoScaling for a DataHub cluster
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Run orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/updateOrchestratorState
Run orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Updates Data Hub AWS cluster to use IMDSv1.
POST /api/v1/datahub/updateToAwsImdsV1
Updates Data Hub AWS cluster to use IMDSv1.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Updates Data Hub AWS cluster to use IMDSv2.
POST /api/v1/datahub/updateToAwsImdsV2
Updates Data Hub AWS cluster to use IMDSv2.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Upgrades the OS or data platform on a datahub cluster.
POST /api/v1/datahub/upgradeCluster
Upgrades the OS or data platform on a datahub cluster. You have the option to either specify one of 'imageId', 'runtime' or 'lockComponents' or both 'imageId' and 'lockComponents' or none of the parameters.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Attached volume configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudVolumeUsageType |
Usage for the requested disks. |
numberOfDisks |
Number of disks to add on all the instances in a group. |
integer (int32) |
size |
Size of disks to add on all the instances in a group in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
Type of disks to add on all the instances in a group. |
string |
The attached volume configuration.
Name | Description | Schema |
count |
The number of volumes. |
integer (int32) |
size |
The size of each volume in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
The type of volumes. |
string |
Configurations for additional attached volumes.
Name | Description | Schema |
volumeCount |
The attached volume count. |
integer (int32) |
volumeSize |
The attached volume size. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
The attached volume type. |
string |
Configuration for Load Based Scaling
Name | Description | Schema |
configuration |
Configuration for Load Based Scaling |
description |
An optional description for the specific schedule. |
string |
identifier |
An optional identifier for the rule. Generally useful for debugging. Will be auto-generated if none is provided. |
string |
Configuration for load based scaling
Name | Description | Schema |
coolDownMinutes |
Minimum time, in minutes, between autoscale activity |
integer (int32) |
maxResourceValue |
The upper bound for the resource |
integer (int32) |
minResourceValue |
The lower bound for the resource |
integer (int32) |
Configuration for Load Based Scaling
Name | Description | Schema |
configuration |
Configuration for Load Based Scaling |
description |
Description for the specified schedule. |
string |
identifier |
An identifer for this rule. Useful for debugging and logging. |
string |
Configuration for load based scaling
Name | Description | Schema |
coolDownMinutes |
Minimum time, in minutes, between autoscale activity |
integer (int32) |
maxResourceValue |
The upper bound for the resource |
integer (int32) |
minResourceValue |
The lower bound for the resource |
integer (int32) |
An individual AutoScale Policy
Name | Description | Schema |
hostGroups |
A single hostgroup, or a comma separated list of hostGroups to which the rules apply |
string |
loadBasedPolicy |
Load based policy |
scheduleBasedPolicy |
Scheduled based policy |
An individual AutoScale Policy
Name | Description | Schema |
hostGroups |
A single hostgroup, or a comma separated list of hostGroups to which the rules apply |
string |
loadBasedPolicy |
Load based policy |
scheduleBasedPolicy |
Scheduled based policy |
Autoscale configuration
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScalePolicies |
The actual scaling policy(ies) for the cluster |
< AutoScalePolicyResponse > array |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
enabled |
Whether autoscaling is enabled or not for the cluster |
boolean |
Schedule for AutoScaling
Name | Description | Schema |
schedules |
List of individual schedules |
< IndividualScheduleRequest > array |
Schedule for AutoScaling
Name | Description | Schema |
schedules |
List of individual schedules |
< IndividualScheduleResponse > array |
Configurations for instance group
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedVolumeConfiguration |
The attached volume configuration. This does not include root volume. |
< AttachedVolumeRequest > array |
availabilityZones |
List of availability zones that this instance group is associated with. |
< string > array |
instanceGroupName |
The instance group name. |
string |
instanceGroupType |
The instance group type. |
string |
instanceType |
The cloud provider specific instance type to be used. |
string |
nodeCount |
Number of instances in the instance group |
integer (int32) |
recipeNames |
The names or CRNs of the recipes that would be applied to the instance group. |
< string > array |
recoveryMode |
Recovery mode for the instance group. |
string |
rootVolumeSize |
The root volume size. |
integer (int32) |
Request object for cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the DataHub cluster. |
string |
Response object for cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections.
Type : object
Cloudera Manager details.
Name | Description | Schema |
platformVersion |
CDP Platform version. |
string |
version |
Cloudera Manager version. |
string |
Information about a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudPlatform |
The cloud platform. |
string |
clouderaManager |
The Cloudera Manager details. |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. |
string |
clusterStatus |
The status of the cluster. |
string |
clusterTemplateCrn |
The CRN of the cluster template used for the cluster creation. |
string |
creationDate |
The date when the cluster was created. |
string (date-time) |
credentialCrn |
The CRN of the credential. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster. |
string |
datalakeCrn |
The CRN of the attached datalake. |
string |
endpoints |
The exposed service api endpoints. |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
imageDetails |
The image details. |
instanceGroups |
The instance details. |
< InstanceGroup > array |
multiAz |
Flag that toggles the multi availability zone for the given datahub cluster when you are not sure what subnet IDs can be used. This way the subnet IDs will be used what the environment suggests. |
boolean |
nodeCount |
The cluster node count. |
integer (int32) |
status |
The status of the stack. |
string |
statusReason |
The status reason. |
string |
workloadType |
The workload type for the cluster. |
string |
Information about a cluster definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudPlatform |
The cloud platform. |
string |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name of the cluster definition. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster definition. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster definition. |
string |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
type |
The type of cluster definition. |
string |
workloadTemplate |
The workload template. |
string |
Information about a cluster definition.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudPlatform |
The cloud platform. |
string |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name of the cluster definition. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster definition. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster definition. |
string |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
nodeCount |
The node count of the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
productVersion |
The product version. |
string |
type |
The type of cluster definition. |
string |
Cluster extensions for Data Hub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
customProperties |
The custom properties JSON, encoded in base64. |
string |
Details of the LDAP attached to cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
adminGroup |
Admin group. |
string |
certificate |
Certificate. |
string |
description |
Description of the LDAP. |
string |
directoryType |
Directory type. |
string |
domain |
LDAP domain. |
string |
groupMemberAttribute |
Group member attribute. |
string |
groupNameAttribute |
Group name attribute. |
string |
groupObjectClass |
Group object class. |
string |
groupSearchBase |
Group search base. |
string |
id |
ID of the LDAP. |
integer (int64) |
name |
Name of the LDAP. |
string |
protocol |
LDAP protocol. |
string |
serverHost |
LDAP server host. |
string |
serverPort |
LDAP server port. |
integer (int32) |
tenantName |
Tenant name. |
string |
userDnPattern |
UserDN pattern. |
string |
userId |
User ID. |
string |
userName |
User name. |
string |
userNameAttribute |
User name attribute. |
string |
userObjectClass |
User object class. |
string |
userSearchBase |
User search base. |
string |
workspaceId |
Workspace ID. |
integer (int64) |
Related events for the stack.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZone |
Cloud provider availability zone for the region in which the cluster is deployed. |
string |
blueprintId |
Blueprint ID for the blueprint deployed on the cluster. |
integer (int64) |
blueprintName |
Blueprint name for the blueprint deployed on the cluster. |
string |
cloudType |
Cloud provider type. |
string |
clusterId |
ID of the cluster. |
integer (int64) |
clusterName |
Name of the cluster. |
string |
clusterStatus |
Status of the cluster. |
eventMessage |
Message from this event. |
string |
eventTimestamp |
Timestamp of this event. |
string (date-time) |
eventType |
Type of the event. |
string |
instanceGroup |
Name of the instance group. |
string |
ldapDetails |
Details of the LDAP. |
nodeCount |
Current node count for the nodes in the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
notificationType |
Type of notification as identified in the UI. |
string |
rdsDetails |
Details of the RDS. |
region |
Cloud provider region in which the cluster is deployed. |
string |
stackCrn |
The unique CRN of the resource. |
string |
stackName |
Name of the stack. |
string |
stackStatus |
Current status of the stack. |
tenantName |
Name of the current tenant. |
string |
userId |
User ID. |
string |
workspaceId |
Workspace ID of the resource. |
integer (int64) |
Details of the RDS attached to cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
connectionDriver |
Connection driver. |
string |
connectionURL |
Connection URL of RDS. |
string |
connectorJarUrl |
Connector Jar URL. |
string |
creationDate |
RDS creation date. |
string (date-time) |
databaseEngine |
Database engine. |
string |
description |
Description of RDS. |
string |
external |
Set to true if RDS is external. |
boolean |
id |
ID of RDS. |
integer (int64) |
name |
Name of RDS. |
string |
sslMode |
SSL mode. |
string |
stackVersion |
Stack version. |
string |
status |
Status of RDS. |
string |
tenantName |
RDS tenant name. |
string |
type |
Type of RDS. |
string |
userId |
User ID. |
string |
userName |
User name. |
string |
workspaceId |
Workspace ID. |
integer (int64) |
Information about a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
certificateExpirationState |
Indicates the certificate status on the cluster. |
cloudPlatform |
The name of the cloud platform. |
string |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. |
string |
clusterTemplateCrn |
The CRN of the cluster template used for the cluster creation. |
string |
creationDate |
The date when the cluster was created. |
string (date-time) |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster. |
string |
datalakeCrn |
The CRN of the attached datalake. |
string |
environmentCrn |
The CRN of the environment. |
string |
environmentName |
The name of the environment. |
string |
nodeCount |
The cluster node count. |
integer (int32) |
status |
The status of the cluster. |
string |
workloadType |
The type of cluster. |
string |
Information about a cluster template.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplateContent |
The content of the cluster template. |
string |
clusterTemplateName |
The name of the cluster template. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster template. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster template. |
string |
instanceGroupCount |
The instance group count of the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
status |
The status of the cluster template. |
string |
tags |
Tags added to the cluster template. |
< DatahubResourceTag > array |
Information about a cluster template.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplateName |
The name of the cluster template. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the cluster template. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster template. |
string |
instanceGroupCount |
The instance group count of the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
productVersion |
The product version. |
string |
status |
The status of the cluster template. |
string |
tags |
Tags added to the cluster template. |
< DatahubResourceTag > array |
Request object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
bundleSizeLimit |
Diagnostics bundle size limit in MB. |
integer (int32) |
caseNumber |
Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data. |
string |
crn |
CRN of the Datahub cluster. |
string |
description |
Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes) |
endDate |
Restrict collected logs and metrics (until the provided date timestamp). |
string (date-time) |
monitorMetricsCollection |
Flag to enable collection of metrics for chart display in CM based diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
roles |
Array of roles for which to get logs and metrics. If set, this restricts the roles for log and metrics collection. |
< string > array |
startDate |
Restrict collected logs and metrics (from the provided date timestamp). |
string (date-time) |
storageValidation |
Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs) |
boolean |
updatePackage |
If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation. |
boolean |
Response object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for collecting DataHub diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalLogs |
Array of log descriptors that should be additionally collected during diagnostics collection. |
< DatahubVmLogRequest > array |
caseNumber |
Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data. |
string |
crn |
CRN of the DataHub cluster. |
string |
description |
Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes) |
endDate |
Date timestamp - collect files only for diagnostics that has lower created timestamp value than this. |
string (date-time) |
excludeHosts |
Array of host names (fqdn or IP address), collection will not run on the excluded hosts. |
< string > array |
hostGroups |
Array of host groups, collection will run only on the dedicated hosts that belongs to these host groups. |
< string > array |
hosts |
Array of host names (fqdn), collection will run only on the dedicated hosts. |
< string > array |
includeNginxReport |
Include Nginx report generated by GoAccess (if available). |
boolean |
includeSaltLogs |
Include salt minion/master/api system logs in the diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
includeSarOutput |
Include SAR (System Activity Report) generated outputs in the diagnostics collection (if available). |
boolean |
labels |
Array of labels that can filter logs that are collected during diagnostics collection. |
< string > array |
skipUnresponsiveHosts |
Skip unhealthy hosts from the diagnostics collection. |
boolean |
startDate |
Date timestamp - collect files only for diagnostics that has higher last modified timestamp value than this. |
string (date-time) |
storageValidation |
Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs) |
boolean |
updatePackage |
If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation. |
boolean |
Response object for collecting DataHub diagnostics.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create AWS cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinition |
The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterDefinitionName |
Deprecated, the name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterExtension |
Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster. |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
clusterTemplate |
Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterTemplateName |
Deprecated, name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation. |
string |
customConfigurationsName |
The name of the custom configurations to use for cluster creation. |
string |
datahubDatabase |
Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA |
enableLoadBalancer |
Flag that decides whether to provision a load-balancer to front various service endpoints for the given datahub. This will typically be used for HA cluster shapes. |
boolean |
environment |
Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an AWS environment. |
string |
environmentName |
Deprecated, name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an AWS environment. |
string |
image |
The image to be used for cluster creation. |
instanceGroups |
Instance group details. |
< InstanceGroupRequest > array |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
multiAz |
Flag that toggles the multi availability zone for the given datahub cluster when you are not sure what subnet IDs can be used. This way the subnet IDs will be used what the environment suggests. |
boolean |
requestTemplate |
JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from cluster template and would be removed in the future. |
string |
subnetId |
The subnet ID. |
string |
subnetIds |
List of subnet IDs in case of multi availability zone setup. |
< string > array |
tags |
Tags to be added to Datahub related resources. |
< DatahubResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create AWS cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for creating AWS Data Hub cluster request on GovCloud.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinition |
The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterExtension |
Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster. |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
clusterTemplate |
Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation. |
string |
datahubDatabase |
Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA |
enableLoadBalancer |
Flag that decides whether to provision a load-balancer to front various service endpoints for the given datahub. This will typically be used for HA cluster shapes. |
boolean |
environment |
Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an AWS GovCloud environment. |
string |
image |
The image to be used for cluster creation. |
instanceGroups |
Instance group details. |
< InstanceGroupRequest > array |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
multiAz |
Flag that toggles the multi availability zone for the given Data Hub cluster when you are not sure what subnet IDs can be used. This way the subnet IDs will be used what the environment suggests. |
boolean |
requestTemplate |
JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from the cluster template and would be removed in the future. |
string |
subnetId |
The subnet ID. |
string |
subnetIds |
List of subnet IDs in case of multi availability zone setup. |
< string > array |
tags |
Tags to be added to Data Hub related resources. |
< DatahubResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create AWS cluster request on GovCloud.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Autoscale configuration request
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScalePolicies |
The actual scaling policies for the cluster |
< AutoScalePolicyRequest > array |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
enabled |
true (default) to enable Autoscaling, false to disable AutoScaling. |
boolean |
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScaleRules |
The autoscale rules. |
Request object for create Azure cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterExtension |
Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster. |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
clusterTemplateName |
Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation. |
string |
customConfigurationsName |
The name of the custom configurations to use for cluster creation. |
string |
databaseType |
The type of the azure database. FLEXIBLE_SERVER is the next generation managed PostgreSQL service in Azure that provides maximum flexibility over your database, built-in cost-optimizations. SINGLE_SERVER is a fully managed database service with minimal requirements for customizations of the database. |
datahubDatabase |
Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA |
enableLoadBalancer |
Flag that decides whether to provision a load-balancer to front various service endpoints for the given datahub. This will typically be used for HA cluster shapes. |
boolean |
environmentName |
Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an Azure environment. |
string |
flexibleServerDelegatedSubnetId |
Allows you to specify the subnet ID for the subnet within which you want to configure your Azure Flexible Server. |
string |
image |
The image to be used for cluster creation. |
instanceGroups |
Instance group details. |
< AzureInstanceGroupRequest > array |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
loadBalancerSku |
The SKU for the datahub load balancer. Allowed values are "BASIC", "STANDARD", or "NONE". |
multiAz |
Flag that toggles the multi availability zone feature for the given datahub cluster when unsure what subnet IDs can be used. When true, the subnet IDs suggested by the environment will be used. |
boolean |
requestTemplate |
JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from cluster template and would be removed in the future. |
string |
subnetId |
The subnet ID. |
string |
tags |
Tags to be added to Datahub related resources. |
< DatahubResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create Azure cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create cluster definition request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name of the cluster definition. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster definition. The description can have a maximum of 1000 characters. |
string |
workloadTemplate |
The cluster creation JSON. This must contain the name of a running environment. |
string |
Response object for create cluster definition request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinition |
The clusterDefinition. |
Request object for create cluster template request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplateContent |
The cluster template content. |
string |
clusterTemplateName |
The name of the cluster template. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
description |
The description of the cluster template. The description can have a maximum of 1000 characters. |
string |
tags |
Tags to be added to the cluster template. |
< DatahubResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create cluster template request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplate |
The cluster template. |
The request object for creating custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
configurations |
The configuration properties of custom configurations. |
< CustomConfigurationPropertyRequest > array |
customConfigurationsName |
The name of the custom configurations. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of custom configurations. |
string |
The response object for create custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The custom configurations. |
Request object for create GCP cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation. |
string |
clusterExtension |
Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster. |
clusterName |
The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
clusterTemplateName |
Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation. |
string |
customConfigurationsName |
The name of the custom configurations to use for cluster creation. |
string |
datahubDatabase |
Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA |
environmentName |
Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be a GCP environment. |
string |
image |
The image to be used for cluster creation. |
instanceGroups |
Instance group details. |
< GCPInstanceGroupRequest > array |
javaVersion |
Configure the major version of Java on the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
requestTemplate |
JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from cluster template and would be removed in the future. |
string |
subnetName |
The subnet name. |
string |
tags |
Tags that can be attached to GCP Data Hub resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources#label_format. |
< GCPDatahubResourceTagRequest > array |
Response object for create GCP cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for create recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
The description of the recipe. The description can have a maximum of 1000 characters. |
string |
recipeContent |
The content of the recipe. |
string |
recipeName |
The name of the recipe. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive. |
string |
type |
string |
Response object for create recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipe |
The recipe. |
Information about Custom Configuration Property.
Name | Description | Schema |
configName |
The name of the custom configuration property. |
string |
configValue |
The value of the custom configuration property. |
string |
roleType |
The role within the service type. |
string |
serviceType |
The service under which the custom configuration property belongs. |
string |
The request object for the custom configuration property request.
Name | Description | Schema |
configName |
The name of the custom configuration property. |
string |
configValue |
The value of the custom configuration property. |
string |
roleType |
The role within the service type. |
string |
serviceType |
The service under which the custom configuration property belongs. |
string |
Information about custom configurations.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
The account ID that was used for creating custom configurations. |
string |
configurations |
The custom configuration properties. |
< CustomConfigurationProperty > array |
crn |
The CRN of the custom configurations. |
string |
name |
The name of the custom configurations. |
string |
runtimeVersion |
The runtime version of the custom configurations. |
string |
Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA
Type : enum (HA, NON_HA, NONE)
Response object for diagnostic collection details.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Account Id that was used for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
case |
Case number for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
clusterVersion |
Version of the cluster that was used for the diagnostics collection. |
string |
description |
Description of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
destination |
Destination type of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
output |
Output destination of the diagnostics collection. |
string |
resourceCrn |
Crn of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.
Name | Description | Schema |
collectionDetails |
Additional details about the diagnostics collection. |
created |
Creation date of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string (date-time) |
flowId |
Flow ID of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string |
flowState |
Current state of the diagnostics collection flow. |
string |
progressPercentage |
Progress percentage of the diagnostics collection flow (maximum value if finished). |
integer (int32) |
status |
Status of the diagnostics collection flow. |
Represents the Azure load balancer SKU type. The current default is BASIC. To disable the load balancer, use type NONE.
Tag for a datahub resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Tag for a datahub resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair. Used for diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
label |
Label that will be used to identify a log descriptor. (will be used as a folder inside logs folder) |
string |
path |
Path of the log file(s) that needs to be collected. (Can be glob wildcard) |
string |
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair. Used for diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
label |
Label that will be used to identify a log descriptor. (will be used as a folder inside logs folder) |
string |
path |
Path of the log file(s) that needs to be collected. (Can be glob wildcard) |
string |
Delete request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for DeleteAutoScalesRulesRequest
Type : object
Request object for delete cluster definition request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitionNames |
The name or CRN of the cluster definitions to be deleted. |
< string > array |
Response object for delete cluster definition request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitions |
The clusterDefinitions. |
< ClusterDefinition > array |
Request object for delete cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be deleted. |
string |
force |
Whether the cluster should be force deleted. This option can be used when cluster deletion fails. This removes the entry from Cloudera Datahub service. Any lingering resources have to be deleted from the cloud provider manually. The default is false. |
boolean |
Response object for delete cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for delete cluster templates request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplateNames |
The names or CRNs of the cluster templates to be deleted. |
< string > array |
Response object for delete cluster templates request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplates |
The cluster templates. |
< ClusterTemplate > array |
The request object for the delete custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The names or CRNs of the custom configurations to be deleted. |
< string > array |
The response object for the delete custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The deleted custom configurations. |
< CustomConfigurations > array |
Request object for deleting multiple instance from a cluster
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster for which instances are to be deleted. |
string |
force |
Whether the termination would be forced or not. If it is true, the termination would not be stopped by other - usually blocking - circumstances. Defaults to false. |
boolean |
instanceIds |
The instanceIds to be deleted from the cluster. |
< string > array |
Response object for instance deletion.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for delete recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipeNames |
The names or CRNs of the recipes to be deleted. |
< string > array |
Response object for delete recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipes |
The recipes. |
< Recipe > array |
Request object to describe the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScaleRules |
The autoscale rules. |
Request object for describe cluster definition request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name or CRN of the cluster definition. |
string |
Response object for describe cluster definition response.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinition |
The clusterDefinition. |
Request object for describe cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for describe cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The cluster. |
Request object for describe cluster template request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplateName |
The name or CRN of the cluster template. |
string |
Response object for describe cluster template request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplate |
The cluster template. |
The request object for the describe custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The name or CRN of the custom configurations. |
string |
The response object for the describe custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The custom configurations. |
Request object for describe recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipeName |
The name or CRN of the recipe. |
string |
Response object for describe recipe request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipe |
The recipe. |
Request object for describing a particular scaling activity using clusterCrn or clusterName and operationId.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
operationId |
Operation ID of the scaling activity. |
string |
Response object for describe scaling activity request.
Name | Description | Schema |
scalingActivity |
The scaling activity. |
Attached disk configuration(s).
Name | Description | Schema |
addDisks |
Adds the requested number of disks of the requested type, size, and usage type. |
deleteDisks |
Set it true to delete all attached disks on all the instances in a group. |
boolean |
modifyDisks |
Modifies all the disks attached to all instances in a group. |
Object which holds the exposed endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
displayName |
The more consumable name of the exposed service. |
string |
knoxService |
The related knox entry. |
string |
mode |
The SSO mode of the given service. |
string |
open |
The access status of the given endpoint. Whether its open or not. |
boolean |
serviceName |
The name of the exposed service |
string |
serviceUrl |
The server url for the given exposed service’s API. |
string |
Object which holds the exposed endpoints for the given cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
endpoints |
The endpoints. |
< Endpoint > array |
An object returned on an error.
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The error code. |
string |
message |
The error message. |
string |
A label that can be attached to GCP Data Hub resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-resources#label_format.
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
The key of tag. |
string |
value |
The value of the tag. |
string |
Configurations for instance group
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedVolumeConfiguration |
The attached volume configuration. This does not include root volume. |
< AttachedVolumeRequest > array |
instanceGroupName |
The instance group name. |
string |
instanceGroupType |
The instance group type. |
string |
instanceType |
The cloud provider specific instance type to be used. |
string |
nodeCount |
Number of instances in the instance group |
integer (int32) |
recipeNames |
The names or CRNs of the recipes that would be applied to the instance group. |
< string > array |
recoveryMode |
Recovery mode for the instance group. |
string |
rootVolumeSize |
The root volume size. |
integer (int32) |
Request object to get host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for getting host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
hosts |
The cluster hosts status. |
< HostStatus > array |
Request object to get service status.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object to get service status.
Name | Description | Schema |
services |
The cluster services health. |
< ServiceStatus > array |
Request object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles. (that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection)
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the Datahub cluster. |
string |
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles. (that can be used for filtering in CM based diagnostics collection)
Name | Description | Schema |
roles |
Array of CM roles. (useful for CM based diagnostics collection filtering) |
< string > array |
Request object for obtaining log descriptors. (that are used for diagnostics collection)
Type : object
Response object for obtaining log descriptors. (useful for diagnostics collection filtering)
Name | Description | Schema |
logs |
Array of log descriptors. (useful for diagnostics collection filtering) |
< DatahubVmLogResponse > array |
Request object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the datahub resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the datahub resource. |
string |
operationId |
Filter by operation id. |
string |
Response object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the datahub resource.
Name | Description | Schema |
ended |
End time of the operation. |
string (date-time) |
operationId |
Identifier of the operation. |
string |
operationName |
Name of the operation. |
string |
operationStatus |
Status of the operation. |
started |
Start time of the operation. |
string (date-time) |
Request object for fetching the available virtual machine types based on the given parameters.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZone |
The selected availability zone. |
string |
clusterDefinitionName |
The name of the cluster definition. |
string |
clusterTemplate |
The name of the given cluster template. |
string |
credential |
The name or CRN of the credential that is required to access the cloud provider. |
string |
region |
The region where we should look for the supported VM types. |
string |
Response object from the VM type fetch operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
vmTypes |
The supported VM types based on the given parameters. |
< string > array |
vmTypesWithMetadata |
The supported VM types based on the given parameters with metadata. |
< VmTypeResponseWithMetadata > array |
The result of a health check.
Name | Description | Schema |
name |
The name of service health check. |
string |
summary |
The service health check summary. |
string |
Information about cluster host status.
Name | Description | Schema |
healthSummary |
The host health summary. |
string |
hostid |
Unique identifier of the cluster host given by Cloudera Manager. |
string |
hostname |
The cluster hostname. |
string |
Versions of the image components.
Name | Description | Schema |
cdp |
CDP version. |
string |
cm |
Version of CM. |
string |
os |
OS name. |
string |
osPatchLevel |
OS patch level. |
string |
The details of the image used for cluster instances.
Name | Description | Schema |
catalogName |
The image catalog name. |
string |
catalogUrl |
The image catalog URL. |
string |
id |
The ID of the image used for cluster instances. This is internally generated by the cloud provider to uniquely identify the image. |
string |
name |
The name of the image used for cluster instances. |
string |
os |
The OS of the image used for cluster instances. |
string |
Basic information about an image.
Name | Description | Schema |
componentVersions |
Version of the image components. |
created |
Image creation timestamp. |
integer (int64) |
imageCatalogName |
Name of the image catalog, the image is from. |
string |
imageId |
The id of the image. |
string |
imageName |
The name of the image. |
string |
The details of the image used for cluster instances.
Name | Description | Schema |
catalogName |
The image catalog name. |
string |
id |
The ID of the image used for cluster instances. This is generated by the cloud provider to uniquely identify the image. |
string |
os |
The OS of the image used for cluster instances. |
string |
An object representing a single AutoScale history event for a DataHub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
eventMessage |
The AutoScale related operation that was performed. |
string |
eventTime |
The time at which the event occurred. |
string (date-time) |
An individual schedule based policy
Name | Description | Schema |
configuration |
The schedule configuration |
description |
An optional description for the specific schedule. |
string |
identifier |
An optional identifier for the specific schedule. Generally useful for debugging. Will be auto-generated if none provided. |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
action |
The scaling action to take when triggered |
trigger |
The trigger for this rule |
Name | Description | Schema |
resourceAdjustmentType |
The type of resource adjustment. Only ABSOLUTE_COUNT supported at the moment. |
resourceAdjustmentValue |
The target value for the resource based on the AdjustmentType |
integer (int32) |
Name | Description | Schema |
cronExpression |
The cron expression for this schedule |
string |
timeZone |
The time zone for the cron expression |
string |
An individual schedule based policy
Name | Description | Schema |
configuration |
The schedule configuration. |
description |
Description for the specified schedule. |
string |
identifier |
An identifier fot the specific schedule. Generally usefulf for debugging. |
string |
Name | Description | Schema |
action |
The scaling action to take when triggered. |
trigger |
The trigger for this rule. |
Name | Description | Schema |
resourceAdjustmentType |
The type of resource adjustment. Only ABSOLUTE_COUNT supported at the moment. |
resourceAdjustmentValue |
The target value for the resource based on the AdjustmentType |
integer (int32) |
Name | Description | Schema |
cronExpression |
The cron expression for this schedule |
string |
timeZone |
The time zone for the cron expression |
string |
Object which holds some details of an instance for the given cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedVolumes |
List of volumes attached to this instance. |
< AttachedVolumeDetail > array |
availabilityZone |
The availability zone of the instance. |
string |
clouderaManagerServer |
Whether the instance has Cloudera Manager deployed or not. |
boolean |
fqdn |
The FQDN of the instance. |
string |
id |
The ID of the given instance. |
string |
instanceGroup |
The name of the instance group this instance belongs to. |
string |
instanceType |
The type of the given instance (either GATEWAY, GATEWAY_PRIMARY, or CORE). |
string |
instanceVmType |
The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform. |
string |
privateIp |
The private IP of the given instance. |
string |
publicIp |
The public IP of the given instance. |
string |
rackId |
The rack ID of the instance in Cloudera Manager. |
string |
sshPort |
The SSH port for the instance. |
integer (int32) |
state |
The health state of the instance. UNHEALTHY represents instances with unhealthy services, lost instances, or failed operations. |
string |
status |
The status of the instance. This includes information like whether the instance is being provisioned, stopped, decommissioning failures etc. |
string |
statusReason |
The reason for the current status of this instance. |
string |
subnetId |
The subnet ID of the instance. |
string |
The type of the instance group which also contains the actual instance(s)
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZones |
List of availability zones that this instance group is associated with. |
< string > array |
instances |
List of instances in this instance group. |
< Instance > array |
name |
The name of the instance group where the given instance is located. |
string |
recipes |
The recipe names for the Data Hub cluster. |
< string > array |
subnetIds |
The list of subnet IDs in case of multi-availability zone setup |
< string > array |
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) request.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceGroupName |
A valid instance/host group name. This name must be unique. |
string |
recipeNames |
Names of the recipes (empty is valid). |
< string > array |
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceGroupName |
A valid instance/host group name. This name must be unique. |
string |
recipeNames |
Names of the recipes (empty is valid). |
< string > array |
Configurations for instance group
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedVolumeConfiguration |
The attached volume configuration. This does not include root volume. |
< AttachedVolumeRequest > array |
instanceGroupName |
The instance group name. |
string |
instanceGroupType |
The instance group type. |
string |
instanceType |
The cloud provider specific instance type to be used. |
string |
nodeCount |
Number of instances in the instance group |
integer (int32) |
recipeNames |
The names or CRNs of the recipes that would be applied to the instance group. |
< string > array |
recoveryMode |
Recovery mode for the instance group. |
string |
rootVolumeSize |
The root volume size. |
integer (int32) |
subnetIds |
The list of subnet IDs in case of multi-availability zone setup. Specifying this field overrides the datahub level subnet ID setup for the multi-availability zone configuration. |
< string > array |
volumeEncryption |
The volume encryption settings. This setting does not apply to Azure which always encrypts volumes. |
Instance template configuration(s).
Name | Description | Schema |
instanceType |
The type of the instance. |
string |
Request object to retrieve the AutoScale history for a DataHub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
count |
The maximum number of history entries to retrieve (Default 200). |
integer (int32) |
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
historyEvents |
List of history events for the cluster. |
< IndividualAutoScaleHistoryResponse > array |
Request object for list cluster definitions request.
Type : object
Response object for list cluster definition response.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterDefinitions |
The clusterDefinitions. |
< ClusterDefinitionSummary > array |
Request object for listing cluster events.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster for which events are to be listed. |
string |
pageSize |
The size of each page. |
integer (int32) |
startingToken |
A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the nextToken from a previously truncated response. |
string |
Response object for fetching cluster events request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterEvents |
Cluster events. |
< ClusterLifecycleEvents > array |
nextToken |
The token to use when requesting the next set of results. If not present, there are no additional results. |
string |
Request object for list cluster templates request.
Type : object
Response object for list cluster templates request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterTemplates |
The cluster templates. |
< ClusterTemplateSummary > array |
Request object for list clusters request.
Name | Description | Schema |
environmentName |
The name or CRN of the environment for which the clusters will be listed. |
string |
Response object for list clusters request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusters |
The clusters. |
< ClusterSummary > array |
The request object for the list custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
pageSize |
The size of each page. |
integer (int32) |
startingToken |
A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the nextToken from a previously truncated response. |
string |
The response object for the list custom configurations request.
Name | Description | Schema |
customConfigurations |
The list of custom configurations. |
< CustomConfigurations > array |
nextToken |
The token to use when requesting the next set of results. If not present, there are no additional results. |
string |
Request object for listing recent Datahub diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
CRN of the DataHub cluster. |
string |
Response object for listing recent Datahub diagnostics collections.
Name | Description | Schema |
collections |
description. |
< DatahubDiagnosticsCollectionResponse > array |
Request object for list recipes request.
Type : object
Response object for list recipes request.
Name | Description | Schema |
recipes |
The recipes. |
< RecipeSummary > array |
Request object for List scaling Activities request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
duration |
Duration in minutes for which we want all the scaling activities for the cluster. Either duration or start and end time needs to be provided. |
integer (int64) |
endTime |
End time value in epoch millisecond until which we want to get all the scaling activities. Need to specify start time with it. |
integer (int64) |
onlyFailedScalingActivities |
Flag that decides whether to return only failed scaling activities or return all scaling activities in a given duration or a specific time interval. |
boolean |
pageSize |
The size of the page for getting scaling activities. |
integer (int32) |
startTime |
Start time value in epoch millisecond from which we want to get all the scaling activities. Need to specify end time with it. |
integer (int64) |
startingToken |
A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the nextToken from a previously truncated response. |
string |
Response object for list scaling activities request.
Name | Description | Schema |
nextToken |
The token to use when requesting the next set of results. If not present, there are no additional results. |
string |
scalingActivity |
The list of scaling activities. |
< ScalingActivitySummary > array |
Root or additional volume properties to modify.
Name | Description | Schema |
size |
Size of disks to modify on all the instances in a group in GB. |
integer (int32) |
volumeType |
Type of disks to modify on all the instances in a group. |
string |
Request object to Data Hub upgrade preparation. This command indicates the upgrade preparation for a specific image or a selected runtime version. Important to note that the imageId or the runtime parameter must be present in the request.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the Data Hub. |
string |
imageId |
The ID of an image to upgrade to. |
string |
runtime |
The runtime version to upgrade to. |
string |
Response object for upgrade Data Hub request.
Name | Description | Schema |
current |
Information about the current image. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
reason |
The reason why upgrade is not possible. |
string |
upgradeCandidates |
List of images and components to upgrade to. |
< ImageInfo > array |
Information about a recipe.
Name | Description | Schema |
creatorCrn |
The CRN of the creator of the recipe. |
string |
crn |
The CRN of the recipe. |
string |
description |
The description of the recipe. |
string |
recipeContent |
The content of the recipe. |
string |
recipeName |
The name of the recipe. |
string |
type |
string |
Information about a recipe.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The CRN of the recipe. |
string |
description |
The description of the recipe. |
string |
recipeName |
The name of the recipe. |
string |
type |
string |
Request object for renew datahub certificate request, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for renewing the Datahub public certificate.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahub |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
Response object for renew public certificate request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for repair cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be repaired. |
string |
instanceGroupNames |
List of instance groups where the failed instances will be repaired. |
< string > array |
instances |
List of instances. |
removeOnly |
If true, the failed instances will only be removed, otherwise the failed instances will be removed and new instances will be started. |
boolean |
Response object for repair cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Details for repair instances.
Name | Description | Schema |
deleteVolumes |
The existing disk volumes on the instances will be re-created if the deleteVolumes is true. Otherwise, the volumes will be reattached to the new instances. |
boolean |
instanceIds |
List of instance ids. |
< string > array |
The request for replacing recipes.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahub |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
instanceGroupRecipes |
The list of instance group and recipe name pairs. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeRequest > array |
The response for replacing recipes.
Name | Description | Schema |
attachedRecipes |
The list of recipes, which will be attached to the cluster. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeResponse > array |
detachedRecipes |
The list of recipes, which will be detached from the cluster. |
< InstanceGroupRecipeResponse > array |
Request object for retry cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster for which the operations need to be retried. |
string |
Response object for retry cluster request.
Type : object
Request object to rotate autotls certificates on datahub’s hosts, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahubName |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datahub’s hosts, deprecated.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to rotate ssl certificate a datahub.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahubName |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datahub.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to rotate private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahub |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
Response object to rotate private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances (Deprecated).
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances (Deprecated).
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for scale cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be scaled. |
string |
instanceGroupDesiredCount |
The desired number of instances in the instance group. |
integer (int32) |
instanceGroupName |
The name of the instance group which needs to be scaled. |
string |
Response object for scale cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Information about a Scaling activity.
Name | Description | Schema |
activityStatus |
The status of the scaling activity. Supported values- ACTIVITY_PENDING - If scaling activity is in pending state, METRICS_COLLECTION_SUCCESS/FAILED - for success/failure of metrics collection, UPSCALE_TRIGGER_SUCCESS/FAILED - for success/failure at the time of upscaling, DOWNSCALE_TRIGGER_SUCCESS/FAILED for success/failure at the time of downscaling, SCHEDULE_BASED_UPSCALE/DOWNSCALE - if schedule based scaling is used, SCALING_FLOW_IN_PROGRESS/SUCCESS/FAILED - State at which the scaling has reached, POLICY_ADJUSTMENT - if policy adjustment is taking place, UNKNOWN - if the state is not known. |
string |
endTime |
The end time of the scaling activity. |
string (date-time) |
operationId |
The operation ID of the scaling activity. |
string |
scalingActivityReason |
The reason of the scaling activity. |
string |
startTime |
The start time of the scaling activity. |
string (date-time) |
Information about a cluster service.
Name | Description | Schema |
healthChecks |
The service health checks. |
< HealthCheck > array |
healthSummary |
The service health summary. |
string |
state |
The service state. |
string |
type |
The service type. |
string |
The request object to set catalog for a DataHub.
Name | Description | Schema |
catalogName |
The name of the catalog to be used. |
string |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the affected DataHub cluster. |
string |
The response object to set catalog for a DataHub request.
Type : object
Status of the stack.
Request object for start cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be started. |
string |
Response object for start cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
The request object for Data Hub vertical scaling.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahub |
The name or CRN of the Data Hub cluster. |
string |
diskOptions |
Disk options for vertical scaling. Available options are - add, remove, or modify. |
group |
The target group that reqested for vertical scaling. |
string |
instanceTemplate |
Instance template that specifies the core information for the vertical scale. |
The response object for Data Hub cluster vertical scaling.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
result |
The result of the operation. |
string |
Request object for Data Hub database upgrade.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the Data Hub. |
string |
force |
Start the database upgrade flow even if the source and target versions are the same. Can be used to reinitiate an upgrade after a failure. |
boolean |
targetVersion |
The database engine major version to upgrade to. |
enum (VERSION_11, VERSION_14) |
Response object to Data Hub database upgrade.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
targetVersion |
The database engine major version to upgrade to. |
string |
Request object to start instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster whose instances are to be started. |
string |
hostGroup |
The name of the instance group whose instances are to be started. |
string |
instanceCount |
The number of instances to start. |
integer (int32) |
Response object to start instances of a host group on Data Hub.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for stop cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be stopped. |
string |
Response object for stop cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to stop instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Name | Description | Schema |
cluster |
The name or CRN of the cluster whose instances are to be stopped. |
string |
forced |
Whether the stop instances operation should be forced or not. Defaults to false. |
boolean |
instanceIds |
The list of instance IDs. |
< string > array |
Response object to a stop instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for sync cluster request.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster to be synced. |
string |
Response object for sync cluster request.
Type : object
Datahub sync CM component versions request.
Name | Description | Schema |
datahubName |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
Datahub sync CM component versions response.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Autoscale Modification request
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScalePolicies |
The actual scaling policies for the cluster |
< AutoScalePolicyRequest > array |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the cluster. |
string |
enabled |
true to enable Autoscaling, false to disable AutoScaling. If not specified, the existing value is used. |
boolean |
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoScaleRules |
The autoscale rules. |
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
The CRN of the Data Hub cluster. |
string |
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for updating Data Hub to use AWS IMDSv1.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The CRN of the Data Hub. |
string |
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv1.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object for updating Data Hub to use AWS IMDSv2.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The CRN of the Data Hub. |
string |
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv2.
Name | Description | Schema |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
Request object to upgrade datahub.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterName |
The name or CRN of the datahub. |
string |
dryRun |
Checks the eligibility of an image to upgrade but do not perform the upgrade. |
boolean |
imageId |
The id of an image to upgrade to. |
string |
lockComponents |
Perform an os upgrade only. |
boolean |
rollingUpgradeEnabled |
Enables the ability to perform rolling runtime upgrade. |
boolean |
runtime |
The runtime version to upgrade to. |
string |
showAvailableImages |
Returns the list of images that are eligible for the upgrade. |
boolean |
showLatestAvailableImagePerRuntime |
Returns the latest image that is eligible for the upgrade for each runtime version with at least one available upgrade candidate. |
boolean |
Response object for upgrade datahub request.
Name | Description | Schema |
current |
Information about the current image. |
operationId |
Unique operation ID assigned to this command execution. Use this identifier with 'get-operation' to track status and retrieve detailed results. |
string |
reason |
The reason why upgrade is not possible. |
string |
upgradeCandidates |
List of images and components to upgrade to. |
< ImageInfo > array |
Response object containing vm types and its metadata.
Name | Description | Schema |
name |
Name of the vm type. |
string |
properties |
JSON string with metadata as key value pairs. |
string |
Configurations for volume encryption.
Name | Description | Schema |
enableEncryption |
Enable encyrption for all volumes in the instance group. Default is false. |
boolean |
encryptionKey |
The ARN of the encryption key to use. If nothing is specified, the default key will be used. |
string |