Defining service of compute public API service
Version information
Version : 0.9.132
License information
License : Apache 2.0
Terms of service : https://www.cloudera.com/legal/commercial-terms-and-conditions.html
URI scheme
Schemes : HTTPS
Create compute cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/createCluster
Creates compute cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Delete compute cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/deleteCluster
Deletes compute cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describe compute cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/describeCluster
Describe compute cluster details in a CDP Environment
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Describes a deployment
POST /api/v1/compute/describeDeployment
Gets a single deployment along with its extended history. This can also include all of the known templates.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List compute clusters
POST /api/v1/compute/listClusters
List all compute clusters in a CDP Environment
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
List deployments in the cluster.
POST /api/v1/compute/listDeployments
Lists the helm charts that are available for deployment or have already been deployed in this cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Resume Cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/resumeCluster
Resumes the compute cluster
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Suspend Cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/suspendCluster
Suspends the compute cluster
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Upgrades a deployment to a different chart.
POST /api/v1/compute/upgradeDeployment
Upgrades a deployment to a different chart.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Validate compute cluster
POST /api/v1/compute/validateCluster
Validates compute cluster.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Accelerator Configurations structure
Name | Description | Schema |
acceleratorManufacturers |
Accelerator Manufacturer type. For eg. amazon-web-service, AMD, nvidia. |
< string > array |
acceleratorTypes |
Accelerator Types. For eg. gpu, inference. |
< string > array |
AKS instance group response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZones |
Availability zones. |
< integer (int32) > array |
enableAutoScaling |
Enable auto scaling. |
boolean |
instanceCount |
Instance count. |
integer (int64) |
instanceGroupId |
Instance group ID. |
string |
instanceGroupName |
Instance group name. |
string |
instanceStates |
Instance states |
instanceTier |
Instance tier. |
string |
instanceType |
Instance type. |
string |
instances |
AKS pool instance. |
< AksPoolInstance > array |
isSystem |
True for a system node. |
boolean |
kubeReservedCpu |
Kube reserved CPU. |
integer (int64) |
kubeReservedMemory |
Kube reserved memory. |
integer (int64) |
kubeReservedStorage |
Kube reserved storage. |
integer (int64) |
labels |
Labels. |
< string, string > map |
maxInstance |
Max instances. |
integer (int64) |
minInstance |
Min instances. |
integer (int64) |
nodePool |
AKS node pool. |
nodeVolumeSize |
Node volume size. |
integer (int64) |
singleZone |
Single zone. |
boolean |
systemReservedCpu |
System reserved CPU. |
integer (int64) |
systemReservedMemory |
System reserved memory. |
integer (int64) |
systemReservedStorage |
System reserved storage. |
integer (int64) |
tags |
Tags. |
< string, string > map |
taints |
Taints. |
< string, string > map |
AKS node pool response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZones |
Availability zones. |
< string > array |
instances |
AKS pool instance. |
< AksPoolInstance > array |
name |
Name. |
string |
provisioningState |
Provisioning state. |
string |
type |
Type. |
string |
AKS pool instance response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZone |
Availability zone. |
string |
instanceId |
Instance ID. |
string |
name |
Name. |
string |
subnetId |
Subnet ID. |
string |
AKS state response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
adminUsername |
The username to use for Linux VMs. |
string |
clusterDisplayName |
Cluster display name. |
string |
clusterResourceGroup |
The Cluster ResourceGroup. Filled based on Parent ResourceGroup or ClusterDisplayName. |
string |
clusterResourceGroupCreated |
Specifies whether ClusterResourceGroup was created or not. |
boolean |
deployments |
Deployments. |
dnsServiceIp |
An IP address assigned to the kubernetes DNS service, it must be within the kubernetes service address range specified in serviceCidr. |
string |
dockerBridgeCidr |
A CIDR notation IP range assigned to the Docker bridge network, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges or the kubernetes service address range. |
string |
enableHttpApplicationRouting |
Specifies whether httpApplicationRouting addon is enabled or not. |
boolean |
enableMonitoring |
Specifies whether monitoring addon is enabled or not. |
boolean |
instanceGroups |
Instance groups. |
< string, AksInstanceGroup > map |
logAnalyticsWorkspace |
An existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace for monitoring addon. |
string |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup |
The resource group for the Azure Log Analytics Workspace. |
string |
masterDnsPrefix |
DNS prefix used for hostnames in the cluster. |
string |
networkCidrs |
The actual CIDR ranges of the virtual network. |
< string > array |
networkPlugin |
The plugin used for kubernetes network. |
string |
networkPolicy |
The policy used for kubernetes network. |
string |
parentResourceGroup |
The ResourceGroup which may be used for almost all the Azure resources created (with VirtualNetwork and Node ResourceGroup being exceptions). |
string |
podCidr |
A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when networkPlugin is using kubenet. |
string |
provider |
Cloud provider. |
string |
security |
Security. |
selectedSubnet |
Selected Subnet from the list that is provided |
string |
serviceCidr |
A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges. |
string |
sshPublicKey |
The local path of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKeyContents. |
string |
sshPublicKeyContents |
The content of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKey. |
string |
subnets |
An array specifying existing Azure Virtual Subnets. Composite of agent virtual network subnet IDs. |
< string > array |
tags |
Tags. |
< string, string > map |
userData |
User data. |
string |
virtualNetwork |
An existing Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID. |
string |
virtualNetworkResourceGroup |
The resource group for the Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID. |
string |
workerEgressRules |
Egress rules for worker nodes. |
< string > array |
workerIngressRules |
Ingress rules for worker nodes. |
< string > array |
Available deployment upgrade structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
applicationVersion |
The version of the components which would be installed from this deployment. |
string |
deploymentVersion |
The version of the deployment that is available to upgrade to. |
string |
Azure Secret Encryption response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
encryptionKeyUrl |
Encryption key URI. |
string |
userManagedIdentity |
Resource ID of the user managed identity. |
string |
Azure Volume Encryption response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
diskEncryptionSetId |
Disk encryption set ID. |
string |
Chart structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
applicationVersion |
The version (usually of the images) of the components being deployed. |
string |
deploymentVersion |
The version of this chart (which is not the version of the components being deployed). |
string |
description |
The chart description. |
string |
name |
The chart name. |
string |
values |
Escaped JSON for values.yaml of that chart. |
string |
Alertmanager response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
enabled |
Flag to indicate if Alertmanager is enabled. |
boolean |
API server response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
authorizedIpRanges |
An array of IPv4 CIDR blocks. |
< string > array |
enabled |
Flag to indicate if whitelist of IP Ranges (CIDR block) for public access to the kubernetes API server is enabled. |
boolean |
Autoscaler response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
maxGracefulTerminationSec |
Maximum number of seconds CA waits for pod termination when trying to scale down a node. (Azure Support). |
integer (int64) |
scaleDownDelayAfterAdd |
How long after scale up that scale down evaluation resumes. (Azure/AWS Support). |
string |
scaleDownDelayAfterDelete |
How long after node deletion that scale down evaluation resumes, defaults to scanInterval. (Azure/AWS Support). |
string |
scaleDownDelayAfterFailure |
How long after scale down failure that scale down evaluation resumes. (Azure/AWS Support). |
string |
scaleDownEnabled |
Scale down flag. (AWS Support). |
boolean |
scaleDownNonEmptyCandidatesCount |
Maximum number of non empty nodes considered in one iteration as candidates for scale down with drain. Lower value means better CA responsiveness but possible slower scale down latency. Higher value can affect CA performance with big clusters (100s of nodes). Set to non positive value to turn this heuristic off - CA will not limit the number of nodes it considers. (AWS Support). |
integer (int32) |
scaleDownUnneededTime |
How long a node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. (Azure/AWS Support). |
string |
scaleDownUnreadyTime |
How long an unready node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. (Azure Support). |
string |
scaleDownUtilizationThreshold |
Node utilization level, defined as the sum of requested resources divided by capacity,. below which a node can be considered for scale down. (Azure/AWS Support). |
number (double) |
scanInterval |
Scan interval. (Azure/AWS Support). |
string |
skipNodesWithLocalStorage |
Skip nodes with local storage flag. (AWS Support). |
boolean |
skipNodesWithSystemPods |
Skip nodes with system pods. (AWS Support). |
boolean |
Deployment Profile details response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
deploymentProfile |
Deployment profile used. Currently supported is common. |
string |
enabled |
Deployment enable flag. |
boolean |
Deployments response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoscaler |
Autoscaler specs. |
horizontalPodAutoscaler |
Horizontal pod autoscaler specs. |
istio |
Istio specs. |
knox |
Knox specs. |
logging |
Logging specs. |
metering |
Metering specs. |
monitoring |
Monitoring specs. |
nvidia |
Nvidia specs. |
repository |
Repository for images. |
string |
telemetryKmsKeyArn |
Telemetry KMS key ARN. |
string |
yunikorn |
Yunikorn specs. |
Event response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
details |
Details. |
string |
name |
Event name. |
string |
progress |
Progress. |
string |
resourceType |
Resource type. |
string |
status |
Status. |
string |
statusReason |
Status reason. |
string |
timestamp |
Timestamp. |
string |
Horizontal pod autoscaler response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
enabled |
Enable flag. |
boolean |
Image catalog response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
crn |
The catalog CRN (either CRN or name is required). |
string |
name |
The catalog name (either CRN or name is required). |
string |
Instance requirements structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
acceleratorConfig |
Accelerator Config for AWS. |
allowedInstanceTypes |
Instance types to include. |
< string > array |
cpuTypes |
CPU types required. For eg. intel, amd, amazon-web-services etc. |
< string > array |
excludedInstanceTypes |
Instance types to exclude, ignored if AllowedInstanceTypes is set. |
< string > array |
maxCpu |
Maximum vCpu count. |
integer (int64) |
maxMemory |
Maximum memory requirement in MiB. |
integer (int64) |
minCpu |
Minimum vCpu count. |
integer (int64) |
minMemory |
Minimum memory requirement in MiB. |
integer (int64) |
Instance requirements with metadata response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
architectureTypes |
The architecture types. For eg, i386, x86_64, arm64, x86_64_mac, arm64_mac. |
< string > array |
instanceRequirements |
The attributes for the instance types. When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with those attributes. |
virtualizationTypes |
The virtualization types. For eg. hvm, paravirtual. |
< string > array |
Instance state counts response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
creating |
Number of instances in creating state. |
integer (int64) |
running |
Number of instances in running state. |
integer (int64) |
terminating |
Number of instances in terminating state. |
integer (int64) |
total |
Total number of instances. |
integer (int64) |
Logging response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
enabled |
True to enable logging installation (default false). |
boolean |
Metering response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
enabled |
Flag to indicate if Monitoring is enabled. |
boolean |
services |
Array of services. |
< CommonMeteringServiceResp > array |
Metering service response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Cluster CRN. |
string |
serviceConfiguration |
Service configuration. |
string |
serviceType |
Service type. |
string |
serviceVersion |
Service version. |
string |
workloadCrn |
Workload CRN. |
string |
Monitoring response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
alertmanager |
Alertmanager. |
enabled |
Flag to indicate if Monitoring is enabled. |
boolean |
serverResourceLimits |
Server resource limits. |
Network structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
outboundType |
Cluster outbound type. Currently supported is udr. |
string |
podCidr |
The pod CIDR to use if the backend provider supports setting this. |
string |
serviceCidr |
The CIDR for services declared inside of Kubernetes if the backend provider supports setting this. |
string |
subnets |
Subnets. |
< string > array |
Structure to list the currently used images and the new upgrades available.
Name | Description | Schema |
current |
Currently used node image version. |
string |
instanceGroup |
Instance group name. |
string |
upgrades |
Available node image upgrade versions. |
< string > array |
Nvidia response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
gpuLabelKey |
GPU label key. |
string |
gpuLabelValue |
GPU label value. |
string |
Resource limits response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
cpu |
Prometheus server CPU limit (default 1000m). |
string |
memory |
Prometheus server memory limit (default 2048M). |
string |
Secret Encryption response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
azure |
Azure secret encryption details. |
customerKmsKeyArn |
AWS KMS key ARN. |
string |
Security response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
apiServer |
API server. |
private |
Flag to indicate if this is a private cluster with API Server having internal IP addressees. |
boolean |
secretEncryption |
Secret encryption. |
volumeEncryption |
Volume encryption. |
Cluster status structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
message |
Message. |
string |
status |
Status. |
string |
Storage spec response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
csiEnabled |
Flag to enable CSI (Container Storage Interface). It further sets specific inline cloud formation policies required for CSI. |
boolean |
Volume encryption response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
azure |
Azure volume encryption details. |
customerKmsKeyArn |
AWS KMS key ARN. |
string |
YuniKorn response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
appSortingPolicy |
The app sorting policy. Deprecated. |
string |
enabled |
Flag to indicate if yunikorn is enabled. |
boolean |
nodeSortingPolicy |
The node sorting policy. Deprecated. |
string |
version |
Version. Deprecated. |
string |
Compute cluster owner structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
accountId |
Owner’s account ID. |
string |
crn |
Owner’s actor CRN. |
string |
email |
Owner’s email. |
string |
firstName |
Owner’s firstname. |
string |
lastName |
Owner’s lastname. |
string |
userId |
Owner’s user ID. |
string |
Object representing compute cluster types.
- Value representing a shared compute cluster. DedicatedExternal
- Value representing an external dedicated compute cluster. Dedicated
- Value representing an embedded dedicated compute cluster.
Type : enum (Shared, DedicatedExternal, Dedicated)
Object representing CDP Compute Cluster Platform provider.
- OpenShift Container Platform cluster as compute platform (private cloud only). EKS
- EKS cluster as compute platform AKS
- AKS cluster as compute platform RKE
- Rancher RKE as compute platform (private cloud only). GKE
- GKE cluster as compute platform
Type : enum (OPENSHIFT, EKS, AKS, RKE)
Request object for creating a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Cluster description. |
string |
environment |
Environment CRN. Required. |
string |
name |
Cluster name. Required. |
string |
network |
Network. |
skipValidation |
Skip validation. |
boolean |
tags |
Cluster level tags. |
< string, string > map |
Create cluster response.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
clusterId |
Compute cluster ID. |
string |
clusterStatus |
Cluster status. |
uri |
Uniform Resource Identifier of cluster. |
string |
validationResponse |
Pre-flight validation check response. Only given on a validation failure. |
Request object for deleting a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
force |
Forces the cluster into the DELETED state without cleaning up resources; only valid if cluster is in DELETE_FAILED state. |
boolean |
skipValidation |
Whether to skip validation. |
boolean |
skipWorkloadsValidation |
Whether to skip the running workloads validation for externalized clusters |
boolean |
Delete cluster response.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterStatus |
Cluster Status. |
validationResponse |
Pre-flight validation check response. Only given on a validation failure. |
Deployment structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
chart |
Chart that the deployment was created from. |
liftieManaged |
True if Liftie is managing this deployment. |
boolean |
name |
The name of the deployment. |
string |
namespace |
The namespace of the deployment. |
string |
overrides |
Escaped JSON overrides for the deployment’s properties. |
string |
revision |
Helm revision. |
integer (int32) |
status |
Status of the deployment. Currently supported values are UNKNOWN, DEPLOYED, UNINSTALLED, SUPERSEDED, FAILED, PENDING-INSTALL, PENDING-UPGRADE and PENDING-ROLLBACK. New values may be added in the future. |
string |
upgrades |
Any upgrades available for this deployment. |
< AvailableDeploymentUpgrade > array |
Request object for describing a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
Describe cluster response.
Name | Description | Schema |
account |
CDP account ID. |
string |
aks |
AKS state. |
apiEndPoint |
API endpoint. |
string |
availableUpgrades |
List of available kubernetes upgrades. |
< string > array |
bootstrapScript |
Bootstrap script used to setup this cluster. |
string |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
clusterId |
Compute cluster ID. |
string |
clusterName |
Compute cluster name. |
string |
clusterOwner |
Cluster owner. |
clusterShape |
The clusterShape represents the shape of the cluster, which can be "Embedded" or "Externalized". |
string |
clusterSize |
Number of nodes in the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
clusterStateVersion |
Cluster state version. |
integer (int32) |
clusterType |
Compute cluster type. |
computePlatform |
Compute cluster platform provider. |
computePlatformVersion |
Compute cluster platform version. |
string |
creationTime |
Compute cluster creation time in ISO format. |
string |
dashboardUrl |
Compute cluster platform dashboard url. |
string |
deletionTime |
Compute cluster deletion time in ISO format. |
string |
description |
Description about the cluster. |
string |
eks |
EKS state. |
envCloudProvider |
CDP environment cloud provider. |
envCrn |
CDP environment CRN. |
string |
envName |
CDP environment name. |
string |
imageCatalog |
The image catalog details. |
isClouderaManaged |
Is compute cluster cloudera managed or not. |
boolean |
isDefault |
The cluster which is automatically created for every containerized environment. |
boolean |
kubernetesVersion |
Kubernetes version. |
string |
labels |
Map of labels associated with this cluster. |
< string, string > map |
message |
Message with additional details about the cluster status. |
string |
nodeImageUpgradeAvailable |
Is a node image upgrade available. |
boolean |
nodeImageUpgrades |
Lists the currently used images and the new upgrades available. |
< CommonNodeImageAvailableUpgrade > array |
region |
Region. |
string |
status |
Compute cluster status. |
string |
storage |
The storage specifications. |
updateTime |
Compute cluster update time in ISO format. |
string |
workloads |
Workloads. |
< string > array |
Request structure for describing a deployment.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
name |
The name of the deployment. |
string |
namespace |
The namespace of the deployment. |
string |
Response structure for describing a deployment.
Name | Description | Schema |
deployment |
Deployment details. |
history |
History of the deployment. |
< History > array |
overrides |
Escaped JSON overrides for the deployment’s properties. Deprecated. |
string |
EKS instance response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZone |
Availability zone. |
string |
instanceId |
Instance ID. |
string |
subnetId |
Subnet ID. |
string |
EKS instance group response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
ami |
AMI. |
string |
autoscalingEnabled |
Autoscaling enabled. |
boolean |
enableCfsQuota |
Enable cfs quota. |
boolean |
events |
Events. |
< CommonEvent > array |
imageParam |
Image param. |
string |
imdsVersions |
IMDS versions. |
< string > array |
instanceCount |
Instance count. |
integer (int64) |
instanceGroupId |
Instance group ID. |
string |
instanceGroupName |
Instance group name. |
string |
instanceGroupStatus |
Instance group status. |
string |
instanceProfile |
Instance profile name. |
string |
instanceRequirementswithMetadata |
Instance requirements. |
instanceStates |
Instance states |
instanceTier |
Instance tier. |
string |
instanceTypes |
Instance types. |
< string > array |
instances |
EKS Instance. |
< EksInstance > array |
kubeReservedCpu |
Kube reserved CPU. |
integer (int64) |
kubeReservedMemory |
Kube reserved memory. |
integer (int64) |
kubeReservedStorage |
Kube reserved storage. |
integer (int64) |
lTNameSuffix |
Launch Template name suffix. |
string |
labels |
Labels. |
< string, string > map |
maxInstance |
Max instances. |
integer (int64) |
minInstance |
Min instances. |
integer (int64) |
nodeInstanceRole |
Node instance role. |
string |
nodeVolumeSize |
Node volume size. |
integer (int64) |
singleZone |
Single zone. |
boolean |
systemReservedCpu |
System reserved CPU. |
integer (int64) |
systemReservedMemory |
System reserved memory. |
integer (int64) |
systemReservedStorage |
System reserved storage. |
integer (int64) |
tags |
Tags. |
< string, string > map |
taints |
Taints. |
< string, string > map |
EKS state response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
associateWorkerNodePublicIp |
Associate worker node public IP. |
boolean |
clusterDisplayName |
Cluster display name. |
string |
csiEnabled |
Whether CSI is enabled. |
boolean |
deployments |
Deployments. |
existingVirtualNetwork |
Existing virtual network if used. |
boolean |
inboundProxyCidrs |
Array of inbound proxy CIDRs. |
< string > array |
instanceGroups |
Instance groups. |
< string, EksInstanceGroup > map |
kmsKeyArn |
KMS key ARN. |
string |
networkPlugin |
Network plugin. |
string |
provider |
Provider. |
string |
security |
Security. |
securityGroups |
Security groups. |
< string > array |
serviceCidr |
Service CIDR. |
string |
serviceRole |
Service role. |
string |
sshKeyPairName |
SSH key pair name. |
string |
sshPublicKey |
SSH public key. |
string |
subnets |
Subnets. |
< string > array |
suspendedProcesses |
Suspended processes. |
< string > array |
tags |
Tags. |
< string, string > map |
telemetryEnabled |
Telemetry enabled. |
boolean |
telemetryKmsKeyArn |
Telemetry logging root dir. |
string |
telemetryLoggingBucket |
Telemetry logging bucket. |
string |
telemetryLoggingEnabled |
Telemetry logging enabled. |
boolean |
telemetryLoggingRootDir |
Telemetry logging root dir. |
string |
telemetryLoggingStorageLocation |
Telemetry logging storage location. |
string |
userData |
User data for this cluster. |
string |
virtualNetwork |
Virtual network details. |
string |
vpcCidr |
string |
workerEgressRules |
Egress rules for worker nodes. |
< string > array |
workerIngressRules |
Ingress rules for worker nodes. |
< string > array |
workerInstanceProfile |
Worker instance profile. |
string |
workerSecurityGroup |
Worker security group. |
string |
workerSubnets |
Worker subnets. |
< string > array |
Object representing CDP Environment cloud provider type
- CDP Environment installed in AWS AZURE
- CDP Environment installed in Azure OPENSHIFT
- CDP Environment installed as on-premise instalation using CDP DC services in base cluster GCP
- CDP Environment installed in GCP
An object returned on an error.
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The error code. |
string |
message |
The error message. |
string |
History structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
chart |
Chart that the deployment was created from. |
overrides |
Escaped JSON overrides for the deployment’s properties for given revision. |
string |
revision |
Helm revision. |
integer (int32) |
status |
Status of the deployment. Currently supported values are UNKNOWN, DEPLOYED, UNINSTALLED, SUPERSEDED, FAILED, PENDING-INSTALL, PENDING-UPGRADE and PENDING-ROLLBACK. New values may be added in the future. |
string |
List clusters item structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
account |
/ CDP account ID. |
string |
availableUpgrades |
List of available kubernetes upgrades. |
< string > array |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
clusterId |
Compute cluster ID. |
string |
clusterName |
Compute cluster name. |
string |
clusterOwner |
Cluster owner. |
clusterShape |
The clusterShape represents the shape of the cluster, which can be "Embedded" or "Externalized". |
string |
clusterSize |
Number of nodes in the cluster. |
integer (int32) |
clusterStateVersion |
Cluster state version. |
integer (int32) |
clusterType |
Compute cluster type. |
computePlatform |
Compute cluster platform provider. |
computePlatformVersion |
Compute cluster platform version. |
string |
creationTime |
Compute cluster creation time in ISO format. |
string |
deletionTime |
Compute cluster deletion time in ISO format. |
string |
envCloudProvider |
CDP environment cloud provider. |
envCrn |
CDP environment CRN. |
string |
envName |
CDP environment name. |
string |
imageCatalog |
The image catalog details. |
isDefault |
The cluster which is automatically created for every containerized environment. |
boolean |
kubernetesVersion |
Kubernetes version. |
string |
labels |
Map of labels associated with this cluster. |
< string, string > map |
message |
Message with additional details about the cluster status. |
string |
region |
Region. |
string |
status |
Compute cluster status. |
string |
storage |
The storage specifications. |
updateTime |
Compute cluster update time in ISO format. |
string |
Request object to list clusters.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterShape |
Filter between Externalized and Embedded cluster shapes. |
string |
default |
Only show default clusters. |
boolean |
envNameOrCrn |
Environment name or crn. |
string |
includeDeleted |
Include deleted clusters in the response. |
boolean |
pageSize |
The size of each page. Default is 100. |
integer (int32) |
startingToken |
A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the nextToken from a previously truncated response. 1 or empty for first page. |
string |
status |
Cluster Status for status filtering. |
string |
workloads |
Workloads for workload filtering. |
string |
List clusters response.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusters |
Array of CDP compute clusters. |
< ListClusterItem > array |
nextToken |
The token to use when requesting the next set of results. If not present, there are no additional results. |
string |
totalClusters |
Total number of clusters. |
integer (int32) |
totalPages |
Total number of pages. |
integer (int32) |
Request structure to list deployments in the cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
namespace |
The namespace of the deployment. Lists deployments in all namespaces if not specified. |
string |
verbose |
Set true to get detailed chart response. Default is false. |
boolean |
Response structure to list deployments in the cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
availableCharts |
Array of available charts. |
< Chart > array |
installedDeployments |
Array of installed deployments. |
< Deployment > array |
unavailableCharts |
Array of unavailable charts. |
< Chart > array |
Request structure to resume the compute cluster
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
skipValidation |
Whether to skip validation. |
boolean |
Response structure for resuming the compute cluster
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterStatus |
Cluster status. |
validationResponse |
Pre-flight validation check response. Only given on a validation failure and |
Request structure to suspend the compute cluster
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
skipValidation |
Whether to skip validation. |
boolean |
skipWorkloadsValidation |
Whether to skip the running workloads validation for externalized clusters |
boolean |
Response structure for suspending the compute cluster
Name | Description | Schema |
clusterStatus |
Cluster status. |
validationResponse |
Pre-flight validation check response. Only given on a validation failure and |
Request structure for upgrading a deployment.
Name | Description | Schema |
chartVersion |
The version of the deployment to upgrade to. Defaults to latest version. |
string |
clusterCrn |
Compute cluster CRN. |
string |
name |
The name of the deployment. |
string |
namespace |
The namespace of the deployment. |
string |
overrides |
Escaped JSON overrides for the deployment’s properties. |
string |
Response structure for upgrading a deployment.
Name | Description | Schema |
chart |
Chart that the deployment was created from. |
message |
A message returned about the status of the upgrade operation. |
string |
name |
The name of the deployment. |
string |
namespace |
The namespace of the deployment. |
string |
revision |
Helm revision. |
integer (int32) |
status |
Status of the deployment. Currently supported values are UNKNOWN, DEPLOYED, UNINSTALLED, SUPERSEDED, FAILED, PENDING-INSTALL, PENDING-UPGRADE and PENDING-ROLLBACK. New values may be added in the future. |
string |
Request object for validating a cluster.
Name | Description | Schema |
description |
Cluster description. |
string |
environment |
Environment CRN. Required. |
string |
name |
Cluster name. Required. |
string |
network |
Network. |
tags |
Cluster level tags. |
< string, string > map |
Validate cluster response.
Name | Description | Schema |
message |
A message describing the end result of the validations. |
string |
result |
Validation result. |
string |
summary |
Numerical summary of the validations. |
validations |
The list of detailed validation results. |
< ValidationResult > array |
Pre-flight validation check response structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
message |
A message describing end result of the validations. |
string |
result |
Validation result. |
string |
summary |
Numerical summary of the validations. |
validations |
The list of detailed validation result. |
< ValidationResult > array |
Validation result structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
category |
Validation check categories such as COMMON, ENTITLEMENTS, CONTROL_PLANE, NETWORK, or DEPLOYMENT. New values may be added in the future. |
string |
description |
Description. |
string |
detailedMessage |
A supporting message which contains additional details, such as subnet names, instance types, etc. |
string |
duration |
Time taken to get the end result of the validation in a human-readable time format. |
string |
message |
A short, human-readable message that describes the end result of the validation. |
string |
name |
Name. |
string |
status |
Validation check status such as PASSED, FAILED, or SKIPPED. New values may be added in the future. |
string |
Validation summary structure.
Name | Description | Schema |
failed |
Total number of failed validations. |
integer (int32) |
passed |
Total number of passed validations. |
integer (int32) |
skipped |
Total number of skipped validations. |
integer (int32) |
total |
Total number of validations. |
integer (int32) |
warning |
Total number of validations that passed but have warnings associated with them. |
integer (int32) |