Provisions PrivateLink Endpoints on the cloud environments.
Version information
Version : 0.9.132
License information
License : Apache 2.0
Terms of service : https://www.cloudera.com/legal/commercial-terms-and-conditions.html
URI scheme
Schemes : HTTPS
Authorize private link services access for the cloud account id.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/authorizePrivateLinkServiceAccess
Returns the list of private link service name and its respective authorization status.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Creates PrivateLink endpoints.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/createPrivateLinkEndpoint
Creates the PrivateLink Endpoints for specified CDP service components.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Deletes PrivateLink endpoints.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/deletePrivateLinkEndpoint
Deletes the PrivateLink Endpoints for specified CDP service components.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists the statuses of the PrivateLink endpoints that are in creation/deletion status.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses
Returns the statuses of the PrivateLink endpoints in creation/deletion.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Lists the PrivateLink services that are supported for the region and service group.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/listPrivateLinkServicesForRegion
Returns the list of private link service name and the mapped service component.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Revoke private link services access for the cloud account id.
POST /api/v1/cloudprivatelinks/revokePrivateLinkServiceAccess
Returns the de authorization status.
Type | Name | Schema |
Body |
input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Expected response to a valid request. |
default |
The default response on an error. |
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudAccountId |
Account ID to authorize access for PrivateLink. |
string |
credentialCrn |
CDP Credential CRN to fetch the AWS cross-account RoleArn for the account where the endpoint gets deleted. |
string |
crossAccountRoleDetails |
Cross account role details. |
region |
Region in which VPC exists. |
string |
subnetIds |
IDs of the private subnets in which the private link should be created. |
< string > array |
vpcId |
VPC ID in which the private link should be created. |
string |
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
credentialCrn |
CDP Credential CRN to fetch the AWS cross-account roleArn for the account where the endpoint gets deleted. |
string |
crossAccountRoleDetails |
Cross account role details. |
region |
Region in which VPC exists. |
string |
vpcId |
VPC ID in which the vpc endpoint should be deleted. |
string |
Request object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudAccountId |
AWS account ID to authorize access for PrivateLink. |
string |
cloudServiceProvider |
Cloud Service Provider. Currently supporting AWS and AZURE. |
region |
Region where the private link service exists. |
string |
serviceGroup |
CDP service group. Currently supported "CDP-CONTROL-PLANE" for PaaS. |
string |
subscriptionId |
Azure subscription ID to authorize access for PrivateLink. |
string |
Response object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.
Name | Description | Schema |
authorizePrivateLinkServiceAccessResults |
List of AuthorizePrivateLinkServiceAccessResult objects. |
< AuthorizePrivateLinkServiceAccessResult > array |
status |
Status of private link service access authorization. |
string |
Authorization response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its authorization status.
Name | Description | Schema |
authorizationStatus |
Authorization status for the private link service. |
string |
availabilityZoneList |
Availability zone list. |
string |
hostname |
Hostname of the Private Link Service. |
string |
privateLinkService |
Name of the Private link service. |
string |
serviceComponent |
CDP service component. |
string |
vpceClientTcpPortList |
VPCE Client TCP port list. |
string |
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
azureClientSecretCredential |
Azure client secret credential, either this or credential CRN should be passed. |
credentialCrn |
CDP Credential CRN to fetch the Azure client secret credentials, either this or AzureClientSecretCredential should be passed. |
string |
location |
Azure location where endpoint should be created. |
string |
resourceGroup |
The Resource group under which the Private endpoint to be created. |
string |
subnetId |
ID of the private subnet in which the private link should be created. |
string |
subscriptionId |
The Subscription for which the Private link service to be allowed/accessible. |
string |
vNetId |
vNet ID in which the private link should be created. |
string |
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.
Name | Description | Schema |
azureClientSecretCredential |
Azure client secret credential, either this or credential CRN should be passed. |
credentialCrn |
CDP Credential CRN to fetch the Azure client secret credentials, either this or AzureClientSecretCredential should be passed. |
string |
location |
Region in which VPC exists. |
string |
vNetId |
vNet ID in which the private link should be created. |
string |
Azure client secret credential, either this or credential CRN should be passed.
Name | Description | Schema |
clientId |
The client (application) ID of the service principal |
string |
clientSecret |
A client secret that was generated for the App Registration used to authenticate the client. |
string |
tenantId |
The Azure Active Directory tenant (directory) Id of the service principal. |
string |
Supported cloud providers
- A value indicating AWS as supported cloud provider for creating privatelinks. AZURE
- A value indicating Azure as supported cloud provider for creating privatelinks.
Type : enum (AWS, AZURE)
Request object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Name | Description | Schema |
awsAccountDetails |
AWS account details where the PrivateLink endpoint is created. |
azureAccountDetails |
Azure account details where PrivateLink endpoint is created. |
cloudServiceProvider |
Cloud Service Provider. Currently supporting AWS and AZURE. |
enablePrivateDns |
Enable Private DNS for PrivateLink endpoint. |
boolean |
serviceGroup |
CDP service group. |
string |
Response object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Name | Description | Schema |
trackingId |
Tracking ID of the create endpoint request. |
string |
Customer cross account role details.
Name | Description | Schema |
crossAccountRole |
Cross-account role. |
string |
externalId |
External ID associated with the cross-account role. |
string |
Request object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Name | Description | Schema |
awsAccountInfo |
AWS account details to delete the PrivateLink endpoint from. |
azureAccountInfo |
Azure account details to delete the PrivateLink endpoint from. |
cloudServiceProvider |
Cloud Service Provider. Currently supporting AWS and AZURE. |
Response object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Name | Description | Schema |
trackingId |
Tracking ID of the delete endpoint request. |
string |
An object returned on an error.
Name | Description | Schema |
code |
The error code. |
string |
message |
The error message. |
string |
Request object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.
Name | Description | Schema |
trackingId |
Tracking ID of the create endpoint request. |
string |
Response object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.
Name | Description | Schema |
privatelinkEndpoints |
List of statuses of PrivateLink endpoints. |
< PrivateLinkEndpointStatus > array |
Request object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.
Name | Description | Schema |
region |
Region for which the private link services to be queried. |
string |
serviceGroup |
CDP service group. Currently supported "CDP-CONTROL-PLANE" for PaaS. |
string |
Response object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.
Name | Description | Schema |
listPrivateLinkServicesForRegionResults |
List of ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegionResult objects to be returned. |
< ListPrivateLinkServicesForRegionResult > array |
Response object containing PL service name and CDP service component.
Name | Description | Schema |
availabilityZoneList |
Availability zone list. |
string |
hostname |
Hostname of the Private Link Service. |
string |
privateLinkService |
Name of the Private link service. |
string |
serviceComponent |
The CDP Service component. |
string |
vpceClientTcpPortList |
VPCE Client tcp port list. |
string |
Details of the PrivateLink endpoints.
Name | Description | Schema |
creationTimestamp |
Endpoint creation timestamp. |
string |
dnsNames |
List of PrivateLink endpoint DNS names on successful creation. |
< string > array |
endpointId |
PrivateLink endpoint ID on success. |
string |
error |
Error message on failure. |
string |
serviceComponent |
CDP service component name [API/DBUSAPI/IAMAPI/CCMV2/CONSOLEAUTH]. |
string |
status |
Status of the PrivateLink endpoints. The status is set to SUCCESS on successful creation of endpoint, IN_PROGRESS on endpoint creation is in progress and ERROR on failing to create the endpoint. |
string |
Request object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.
Name | Description | Schema |
cloudAccountId |
AWS account ID to authorize access for PrivateLink. |
string |
cloudServiceProvider |
Cloud Service Provider. Currently supporting AWS and AZURE. |
region |
Region where the private link service exists. |
string |
serviceGroup |
CDP service group. Currently supported "CDP-CONTROL-PLANE" for PaaS. |
string |
subscriptionId |
Azure subscription ID to authorize access for PrivateLink. |
string |
Response object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.
Name | Description | Schema |
revokePrivateLinkServiceAccessResults |
List of RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccessResult objects. |
< RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccessResult > array |
status |
Status of private link service access revoke. |
string |
Revoke response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its revocation status.
Name | Description | Schema |
privateLinkService |
Name of the Private link service. |
string |
revocationStatus |
Revocation status for the private link service. |
string |
serviceComponent |
CDP service component. |
string |