API Usage Tutorial

Cloudera Navigator Concepts

The API terminology is similar to that used in the web UI:


Abstract data structure that describes structural features of any entity.

An entity can be uniquely identified by its identity.


Describes relationship among entities.

A relationship itself is an entity and like any other entity can have properties, comments associated with it.

API Usage Examples

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Let's select two file entities starting at offset 10. $ curl -u <username>:<password> 'http://www.example.org:7187/api/v1/entities?query=type:file&limit=2&offset=10' [ { "identity" : "83f4cdcc37c379144fef22e3dbdf7c8c", "atime" : 0, "name" : "ROOT", "mtime" : 1374585120000, "permissions" : 493, "path" : "/", "group" : "supergroup", "type" : "DIRECTORY", "resId" : "858e5548b4cd3457432eb491ee74729d", "size" : 0, "sourceType" : "HDFS" }, { "identity" : "6144fabee63641275c5577697f16266a", "atime" : 0, "name" : "hbase", "mtime" : 1374584820000, "permissions" : 493, "path" : "/hbase", "group" : "hbase", "type" : "DIRECTORY", "resId" : "858e5548b4cd3457432eb491ee74729d", "size" : 0, "sourceType" : "HDFS" } ]

Let's select a specific entity: $ curl -u <username>:<password> 'http://www.example.org:7187/api/v1/entities/f53ae3547a90b7519b44041db1898972' { "identity" : "f53ae3547a90b7519b44041db1898972", "atime" : 1374584820000, "name" : "www.example.org%2C22101%2C1374584823722.1374584829311", "mtime" : 1374584820000, "permissions" : 420, "path" : "/hbase/.logs/www.example.org,22101,1374584823722/www.example.org%2C22101%2C1374584823722.1374584829311", "group" : "hbase", "type" : "FILE", "resId" : "858e5548b4cd3457432eb491ee74729d", "size" : 0, "sourceType" : "HDFS" }

Let's update an entity to add a new name. $ curl -u <username>:<password> -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"ab","description":"dfsdfr","tags":["tag1"],"properties":{"property1":"value1"}}' http://www.example.org:7187/api/v1/entities/e5f94cd59a8ca6df96247ce88b6c9c28 { "atime" : 0, "mtime" : 1374584820000, "type" : "DIRECTORY", "resId" : "858e5548b4cd3457432eb491ee74729d", "size" : 0, "identity" : "e5f94cd59a8ca6df96247ce88b6c9c28", "description" : "dfsdfr", "originalName" : ".tmp", "name" : "ab", "permissions" : 493, "path" : "/hbase/.tmp", "group" : "hbase", "sourceType" : "HDFS", "tags" : [ "tag1" ], "properties" : { "property1" : "value1" } }