iTest project details

iTest application scope

iTest doesn't have narrowly defined scope of application. However, it is reasonable to use for whatever from integration testing and higher in the chain:

  • integration
  • system
  • load
  • reliability
  • benchmarking

iTest architecture

The framework provides the following components:

  • shell support

    This module provides easy to use primitives to quickly execute a shell-out command or statement. Return code of the execution as well as content of standard input/error are available through properties.

  • package management support

    This module defines an abstract set of commands to work with native Linux packages (deb, rpm, etc.) and some concrete implementations. A user can write a test code which manipulates with native packages - install, remove, update, etc. - which will work on any of supported platforms.

  • jar utils

    The module implements certain helper functionality to ease manipulations with jar files (such as Maven artifacts).

iTest technology

iTest is written in Groovy

iTest facilitate certain operations for Maven based projects. However, it isn't specific to Maven and can be used as a standalone framework.